IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:penny_886
People living in big cities face many problems today. What are the problems? Should the government encourage people to live in regional towns?
住在大城市会有什么问题?||1 住在大城市,空气不够清新。2 房价飞涨,想买套属于自己的房子非常难。3 人满为患,交通拥堵。早晚高峰的时候出行非常不方便。4 生活压力比较大,生活成本比较高。
1. 住在小城镇有什么好处?
回答: 环境好,小城镇没有太多的污染,空气和水质有利于人们的身体健康 周围的人友善,小城镇没有太忙碌的生活,人们有更多的时间可以和朋友交流,小城镇人更注重家庭生活
2. 住在大城市有什么好处?
回答: 大城市生活方便,可以买到很多小城镇买不到的东西 大城市业余生活丰富,电影院,酒吧有很多休闲娱乐的地方 大城市对年轻人来说更利于自身发展
3. 除了人口迁徙,有没有别的方法解决城市问题?
回答: 国家加大力度发展小城市建设缩小小城镇和大城市直接的差距
With the development of cities, problems of big cities become increasingly distinctness, such as traffic jam, the pollution of cities and increase pressure which people have to face.  
Living in a big city is a dream for many people especially the younger one. For example in China, according to a research, about 70% graduate students want to go big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen, and about half of them will stay there util they died. Convenience is the major reason for people who want stay in big cities however it also become the biggest problem. Traffic jam is a headache issue for every person who live in cities, government want to solve this problem so they provide many sort of traffic like subways and buses. But the problem is people invade more road when they build subways make the traffic become more crowded.
Pollution which caused by traffic, factories and other human activities is an other problem in big cities. Private cars become the most common thing in this country, air pollution came by. Factories let waste water going into rivers cause great amount of fishes died and people who drink this type of water get sick.
Communication barriers, a illness caused by big pressure, is a usual emotional reaction when people under big pressure for a very long time. Competition which in this society become more and more intense especially for the young people who just graduate from school. They do not have time and do not want talk to their friends or parents.
Government should develop small towns in order to decrease the gap between big cities. So people stay their home can get a quality of life too.
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