TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Frank_336
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你经常使用电子计算机吗?它在你的生活中起着怎样的作用?
回答: 经常使用,每天用电脑上网,与朋友聊天,与老师用email交流问题,看最新的电影,用google搜索paper的资料。
2. 生活中有哪些方面在计算机的帮助下方便多了?
回答: 可以与朋友远程视频交流,email速度快,买票,买东西,足不出户
3. 而有了计算机以后,人们的生活又会增添什么麻烦?
回答: 人变得懒了,导致各种疾病、、比如肥胖,近视,一些暴力视频,沉迷于网络游戏
4. 如果没有计算机的出现,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: 自己走路去买东西,排队买票,花更多的时间与朋友在一起,或者做一些社区活动。
5. 类似计算机这种高科技产品的发展,它们给人们带去了什么影响?
回答: 方便了人们的生活,提高了工作效率,扩展了视野和知识面,同时导致疾病,与家人的交流变少了。
    The computer is one of the greatest inventions in human history.It has changed our life completely. Whether we are working or relaxing,computer is playing an important role.We can send email to our boss and watch movies on the Internet.As far as I am concerned,computer has made our life easier and convenient rather than complex and stressful.    Firstly,for the companies, it is convenient to  save and search if market data and clients information are put  in the computer. Workers can easily find what they want in a second so that people  can save time to do other things. Managers can also write report with computer instead of pen and paper saving money.    Secondly,for families ,people use computer to buy clothes,food ,and any other things .When they are shopping online,what they should do is just click on buttons and fill in some forms. They do not need to go out especially in rainy day or snowy day,when driving car is dangerous. Moreover, people can also take advantage of MSN ,facebook and twitter to achieve communicating with remote friends ,even foreigners      Thirdly,the computer gives people opportunity to create some robots to replace people to work in some dangerous position,for example ,explore oil underground , study planets in the sky. Mobile phone is a kind of computer,it enables us to talk with everybody  everywhere and every time.    Admittedly,computer has some drawbacks.It can bring about illness,such as obesity , short sight and high blood pressure.  people will spend most their time on playing computer games or chatting online .Lack  of physical exercise will destroy their health. However,as long as we have a reasonable time table to restrict the time of  surfing on the Internet,these problems will be solved at once.     To conclude this essay,it is clear to me that computer has an positive impact on our life . It not only save our time and money,but also bring us lots of fun .     
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