TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Frank_336
Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 汽车给我们的生活带来了哪些便利?
回答: 去更远的地方旅行,想去哪去哪,节省了时间,促进经济的发展,解决就业,
2. 同时,汽车又给人类生活带来哪些危害?
回答: 环境污染,噪音污染,能源消耗,车祸。
3. 对于这些危害,人类有什么办法控制或是解决?
回答: 发明新汽车,开采新能源,加强道路管理,提高安全意识,
4. 若是没有汽车的出现,人类的生活将是怎样的?
回答: 生活很单调,每天只能在相同的地方生活,没意思,其他方面会被影响,吃不到远方的食物,远方上学无法回家。
5. 类似汽车这种科技的发展,它们给现代生活到底增添了怎样的色彩?
回答: 方便了生活,得到了更多的乐趣,朋友圈子更广,生活更精彩,比如吃的和旅游,虽然有污染,但是可以改变。
  The automobile is one of the most important inventions in the last five hundreds years. We have more freedom because of the coming of automobile,and  it makes our lives more convenient and gives us more fun.Personally speaking ,the automobile has changed modern life.  Firstly,From other countries to the place ten kilometers away from home,cars make our world smaller and smaller.We can take a car to go shopping or to have a picnic in forest.,with driving car,we can go anywhere we want to have a trip.Moreover,cars give us lots of fun.My favorite race is F1.It is so exciting and full of enthusiasm that always catches my eye. Cars are also a kind of art.Many companies design various cars with different color and shape to make them  be fantastic and absorbing.Many people love collecting a variety of model cars which gives them happy and satisfy.  Secondly,as for economy,the car gives an impetus to economic growth.Many industries have been built to produce cars and it has provided rich jobs for social.Many people got a job to make a living thus it make our social more harmony.Meanwhile,cars also foster the advancement of science and technique.A large number of students major in some subjects relate to automobile and automation in the university.That suggests that cars has became a part of our lives.  Admittedly,cars bring some troubles,such as,air pollution,noisy pollution and accident.The more cars means the more gas will be produced by cars that has an bad impact on environment and people.Many plants will be killed and many people gain lung disease.Besides,people often do not abide traffic law,for example, running a red light,drunken driving,that is a huge threaten to safety of person.However,in my opinion,these problems can be solved easily as long as we design some new cars that use other energy such as sun energy instead of fossil fuel,and enhance safety awareness of people. The car is essential for our modern lives.The future of car will be more lighter.  To conclude,the car is playing an more and more crucial role in modern society.
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