TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Frank_336
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
1. 你几岁开始上学的?那时候学校有开设外语课程吗?
回答: 七岁上学,从小学开始学英语,主要内容是背单词,写字母,简单的日常用语。
2. 现在的孩子都较早地学习外语,你觉得他们跟你当时同年龄的时候有什么不同?
回答: 思维更活跃,可以和外国小朋友交流,对于以后的外语学习有很大的促进作用。
3. 孩子一上学就学外语有什么好处和坏处?
回答: 好处是跟其他人一起学习存在竞争关系,他们会更努力的学习企图超过别人。学习能力非常快,很容易就学会,记忆力很好,理解能力呀很好。 坏处是,剥夺了他们玩的时间,太多的作业让他们很累,如果太难,孩子会讨厌他,从而失去兴趣。
4. 孩子什么时候学习外语是最佳时期?
回答: 越小越好。。学习能力非常快,很容易就学会,记忆力很好,理解能力呀很好。
5. 现在国家对孩子幼年外语教育是怎样的?
回答: 支持,建立了很多英语培训学校,家长也很希望孩子能更多的掌握技能,长大后能找到更好的工作,希望孩子出国学习,工作
   As an economy develops,the world is becoming a small village in which everyone needs depend on each other to live.Therefore the communication among people is playing an increasingly important part in the world.People have to speak to each other in the same language so that they can catch the correct meaning.In my country,parents set a high value on foreign language learning,and they think children should learn a foreign language as soon as they they start school.As for me,I definitely agree with the statement.   In my opinion,the time when children are little is the best opportunity to accept knowledge and skills.According to a survey,children learn a new skill is three times as fast as the adults do.Because children's brain is developing,and its brain cells are so young and full of energy.Children have a strong study ability and memory.They are curious about everything and remember the new theory easily,so that they can comprehend it quickly.   Moreover,parents want their children to have a bright future and wish them to be able to adapt to the society as soon as they can.Learning foreign language is also benefit children.When I was seven yeas old,I started to study English ,writing letters and pronouncing word.Up to now,I can talk with foreigner more freely than the person who did not study English when he was little.In addition,some parents want to send their children to other countries to have a high quality education then they could work in foreign.   Admittedly,learning foreign languages has some drawbacks.It will deprive children's playing time.A large amount of homework makes children tired and boring that maybe cause to  lose interest even hate foreign English.However,if people work out a reasonable policy to do not give children pressure.They will like learning language in the school since they can contend with classmates to get a higher marks.  To conclude,children should learn a foreign language as soon as they start school.It will give them an impetus to lift them to a high level.
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