GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lovehp
Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题类似于老GRE的ISSUE121"At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species"。题目并不是要你阐述人类活动是否影响了物种灭绝,而是要阐述人类是否应该花费大量的人力物力来拯救濒危物种。因此,你可以考虑“无论是否是人类活动影响了物种灭绝,我们都应该(不应该)……”这样的思路。
1. 你知道哪些濒危物种?如果他们灭绝,会对人类造成影响么?如果会,那么是什么影响?
回答: 大西洋鲑鱼、加州兀鹰、佛罗里达豹、灰狼、海牛、内华达山脉大角羊 、斑点猫头鹰 、卡塔利娜岛狐狸 、北极熊、圣贝纳迪诺鼠、豹猫、海獭 会对人类造成影响,因为这些动物的灭绝会使他们的天敌数量减少,他们的猎物数量急剧增多,然后环境无法承受,环境破坏,猎物也减少,生态系统受到破坏,最终影响到人类 影响分为两方面,一方面是物质,另一方面是精神(欣赏美丽的景观)
2. 在网上查查看,人类为了保护某种濒危物种,大约需要花费多少人力物力?给出具体的数据和例子。
3. 物种灭绝会带来哪些问题,这些问题有什么解决方案?是否需要花费大量的人力和物力?
4. 如果把拯救濒危物种的钱和人力等花在别的地方,你认为可以对人类做出哪些贡献?尤其是,这些贡献是否可以消除物种灭绝带来的影响?
5. 人类的拯救行为效果如何?请举例说明。
Should society save endangered species if the potential extinction of those species due to human activities? The author agree with this idea, because the author consider human should take responsibility for their acticities. If we hadn't done something destroyed environment, these potential extinction species would not face extinction. Therefore, we should save these species for we have ability. Indeed, most of species that are extincting due to our activities, and we should answer for it, as well as, these species could mean a wealth to all of us.  Curiously, dose human's work that save endangered species worked or dose this woek is meaningful?
When it comes to endangered species, human would like to believe species that are dying out are resulted form human activities,for some of enterpraiser ignored everything but profit. Consequencely, those enterpraiser resulted environment pollution, which ruin habits of these endangered species and also killed their food. Thus, human have to protect these endangered species out of extinction for making up for what we had done, as well as, saving our potencial treasures.Even though some of endangered specie is unimportant to us, that's because we haven't realize the value of these endangered species, perhapse, these species are pevital to human. For instance, one of endangered species could be a considerable medicen to cure incurable disease nowadays, such as ADIS, cancer.
On the other hand, it is also paramount to us to protect these endangered specise from the angle keeping the balance of ecosystem.It is well-known that every species of ecosystem are closely related, if one specie extincted, then the whole system would  break down, of course, human wouldn't elud this catastrophe. Thus, for protecting our ourselves interest, we should protect these endangered species.
While, protecting endangered species means a hugh amount of money, if these money applied on human sociey, what would happen?  If these money applied to human society, our society would become more comfortable, convinient and beautiful.  Human society's economy would be boosted, and then the living standard of public would be prompted largely. On then contrary, protecting endangered species, these species would probably die out, sooner or later, at best, we could delay the deadline of  these endangered species. As a result, it seems meaningless if we invested money to protect endangered species.
In summary, with the proviso,whatever it is meaningful, we should protect endangered species. Because plants and animals could provide beauty for us, and plants could cure human incurable deseases someday, though protecting endangered species are spenthrift program. But for the potencial value, we should try our best to protect them.
Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities. [
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