TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Frank_336
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 广告的用途是什么?
回答: 宣传一种物品或者概念,比如商业广告让你了解产品的功能,价格,性能,样子 公益广告号召每个人做慈善事业,做好事,
2. 广告的播出跟哪些因素有关?
回答: 为了让更多人知道,灌输一种感念,盈利或者介绍国家、
3. 同一产品的广告在不同国家播放会有什么不同?为什么会有这些不同?
回答: 食品广告,比如饺子,在中国播出会非常受欢迎,在西方则不会,因为他们不喜欢吃,不习惯吃、
4. 如果产品的广告在各个国家都一样,那会有什么效果?
回答: 那说明各个国家之间的相同点很多,对产品的需求是一样的,
   With technology developing,some advanced tools which the new ways to advertise depend on  have been created such as television, radio and computer. Therefore it is more efficient and convenient for people to know about new products and new conceptions. Hence advertising is increasingly becoming a important part in our lives,and we can know more about a country from advertising.    In my opinion, advertising is an approach to let people know about the product's function and price.Companies can make their brands famous and improve their income. This kind of advertising is called commercial advertising. The other kind of advertising is nonprofit.It usually is made by government to call on everybody protecting environment,no smoking and so on. It will infuse a conception into your brain to make people love earth and family.From these two types of advertising,we can know about a country roughly.  For one thing,from food advertising,we can learn about the diet habit of a country, for instance,the dumpling advertising will enable companies to make a lot of money in China,because Chinese people love dumplings which are the China's traditional food very much. However,it maybe not popular with American since they do not know the dumplings even have not seen this kind of food.  For the other thing, from nonprofit advertising, we can know about a country's environment. Government often design some advertising in order to attract more tourists to have a vacation in their country. The advertising tell people where the most beautiful place is and what the most funny thing is. Besides,the advertising can let you know about the  national culture such as the most famous book and the most old opera.   Admittedly,some advertising which does not have some meaning can make people disgust.Some advertising is always played again and again. We can not know a country from this kind of advertising.However,the advertising will be deleted as soon as possible.Therefore,we can benefit from advertising a lot.  To conclude,advertising can tell us a lot about country,if you want to go to a country,before doing this,the best way to know about country is watching advertising.
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