TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Frank_336
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
1. 企业盈利的途径有哪些?
回答: 做广告,电视宣传,网络宣传,邀请名人代言 研发新产品,发明更多的人民需要的工具。 降低价格,卖的越多,挣得越多。
2. 企业追求利益时应该注意哪些问题?
回答: 避免违反法律,做的事有害经济秩序,对其他公司有害、 对民众有害,对环境有害。 不能欺骗消费者。制造假的产品。
3. 企业惟利是图会有什么后果?
回答: 威胁人的生活健康,为了钱而不顾产品质量
4. 一个企业除了盈利,还有其它的目的吗?
回答: 宣传一种舒适的生活方式,为人们的生活提供方便,同时推动经济的发展,国家的繁荣。推动新产品的发明
   In recent years,more and more companies have been built by private organization and government whose goal is making money. But there are not all companies is popular with people or have a prefect project to make a profit since some companies just earn money by means of sacrificing everything.In my opinion,these companies will not live long if they just want to make a profit.   Firstly,some companies can take advantage of many ways to increase their income,such as advertising,inventing new products and inviting famous person to represent their products.However, some other companies make money by means of using cheap material that will lead to the bad quality of products.With the time going,people will lose heart for the company and do not buy its  stuff anymore. On the other hand, products with poor quality will threaten people's health.For instance,if the milk is produced by sick cattle and is drank by people,that will harm to people even lead to cancer.   Secondly,if companies do anything to make a profit,they will ignore environment pollution. Because it is convenient for them to discharge toxic gas in everywhere and they do not have to buy some techniques to clean up dirty water and garbage so that they will save lots of money.Furthermore,companies which want to make as much money as possible will disturb economic order. In order to occupy market,companies will do everything to beat their contenders. They will steal financial data from contenders or destroy relative documents stealthily. If every company do that,the state economy will collapse at once.   As far as I am concerned, companies should do their best to provide people convenience and meet everybody needs rather than just make money,even though it can give companies an impetus to develop well. Companies have many reasonable methods to make money,meanwhile make our lives more healthy.   To conclude,companies should not do anything to make a profit. They should put people in the first position so that they will have more opportunities to develop. In addition, people will more and more relay on them whose money will be increasing spontaneously.
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