GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:正能量来袭
Some people believe that college students should consider only their own talents and interests when choosing a field of study. Others believe that college students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题可以借鉴老GRE的ISSUE34,90,201的内容:"ISSUE34 Instead of requiring students to take courses in a variety of disciplines—that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciences—colleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in today's increasingly workoriented society""ISSUE90 College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects that interest them rather than seek programs that promise entry into the job market""ISSUE201 The purpose of education should be to provide students with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas -- not to prepare them for a specific job"。题目讨论选择专业的参考因素。可以考虑教育应当如何培养学生的问题,除了以后的工作以外,教育应当提供给学生什么样的价值观和理念。在分析的过程中,可以从教育培养学生是为了满足哪些要求、价值观对学生的作用、为工作而选择专业的意义、二者之间的关系以及利弊的对比等方面展开思考。
1. 为了工作而选择专业的方式,对于学生的学习、生活和工作都有哪些正负面影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 正面:毕业有还有对口的专业,不至于为了自己的专业没有对口单位一直苦苦寻找而发愁。比如说一些。。。忘了那个专业叫啥了,就属于学完了,在社会上找不到工作他很痛苦,一会儿问问他回头补上。为了工作而选择专业,在学习时也比较有目标性,能容易获得阶段性成功。 负面:为工作选择专业难免有很多被动性,这使大家在学习的过程中难免起不到兴趣,没有兴趣继而厌倦本专业,原本是想要好好学专业毕业后有个好工作,结果反倒没学成,让看似不错的工作成为的炮灰。在厌倦本专业的同时,又想着不能辜负自己,可是实在是没有兴趣学下去,会造成学生的心理压力,不利于学生的成长。同时在选择对工作对口的专业时,会扼杀他本来的兴趣,这并不符合教育的根本以人为本,没准还会扼杀了一个在另外一个方面可能是天才的学生。就像你如果让亚历山大麦昆或者加里亚诺去学习数学,可能时尚圈里就没有那么多华美富有想象力的服装和延续经典并抓人眼球的dior了。就像如果当时贝多芬去当了当时流行的医生,想必音乐史上就没有这么一个伟大的音乐家了。
2. 如果忽视了学生的能力和兴趣,而仅仅为某项工作做好了准备,会有哪些潜在的问题和不足?请举例并简述。
回答: 不能挖掘学生的潜力,会在无形中扼杀学生的天赋,可能学生都不知道自己的天赋就被扼杀了,本来学生也是要在不能的学习尝试中寻找到最适合自己工作来交付于未来。参照1的例子。
3. 除了为工作做准备以外,在大学阶段,学生应该锻炼哪些其他能力?怎样进行这些能力的锻炼?请举例并简述。
回答: 独立思考能力,在当今各种信息鱼龙混杂的社会应该有自己独立的思考能力。正确的价值观,比如钓鱼岛事件,不能被盲目的爱国情绪冲昏头脑,开始疯狂的盲目的抵制日货和打砸中国人开的日本店。要用独立思考不能忙目跟随着群众凭借着一腔热血做事情。还有英国脑街事件,学生有权利反对英国教育部提高学费,但是不能因为有人上街游行并且砸店铺就盲目的跟在其中,要用独立思考去判断应该用怎么的方式处理事件。是人际关系的处理,良好的身体素质,抗压能力,现代社会竞争大,处理紧急突发事件的能力学生应该在走出校门进入社会之前学会应有的抗压能力和处理紧急突发事件的能力。自学能力,学校的学习毕竟是有限的,学生应该学会自学能力,这样应对在今后的工作中所遇到的难题时,通过自学更好的处理工作中的问题。
4. 在工作中,是否只有专业知识才是有用的?如果不是,还有哪些知识是有用的?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: 日常生存技能知识很重要,简单的常识,总不能一个专业很过硬的学生却连简单的网上购货车票都不会吧。医学方面知识很重要,学生在日常生活中,如果遇到的意外受伤事情或者伤病也能会用一些简单的包扎方法和医学常识对自己和他人护理。学习一些法学知识很重要,现在的商家保险公司往往利用公民在法律上的盲点给他们设陷阱谋取利益,学生一定的法学知识可是捍卫自己和家人的利益。一定的审美知识也是很重要的,要在工作的同时学会经营自己的形象,感受一下高雅的艺术提升自己的艺术底蕴,舒缓压力更好的迎接工作当中的挑战。
Education is a perpetual topic in our times. They are all with reason that whether choice the field of study according on interest and talents or depend on the availability of jobs in that field. I more lead to depend on interest and talents. Simultaneously, the college should not ignore the education about moral idea and the value of life.   When student according on the interest and talents to choice the field of study, the desire of seeking knowledge of students could be aroused and their price of life will be achieved. Facing the field that their controlled or their interested. Students are more interest, more succeed, this increased  sense of achievement and volition results in the solve of ever more difficulty issue as they becomes more confidence to its way of studying. For example, Alexander McQueen created new fashion material that the trait was made by hair. Beethoven challenged his weakness about deaf that he was created some remarkable works such as "The heroic symphony". In this way achieved them value of live.   It will bring certain contribution for profession as choice study depends on interest and talents. The advance of profession should be a result of the person is good at field that they interest or they can control well. Beethoven, Bach and Mozart continually produced masterpiece in the history of music. The passion about music from composer heart sparked an explosion of classical music development. Alexander McQueen and John Galliano by virtue of the powerful interest about fashion created considerable peculiar clothes then, say, they opened a new weather vane about fashion. Newton and Albert Einstein uninterrupted exploited new filed of science. The enormous development of those profession were coined as they interested them work.     The person talent will be strangled and the study initiative could be reduce due to the choice of study depend on the availability of jobs in that field. Interesting is a best teacher for students. If students do not like the field of study, the negative emotional learning lead to a phenomenon that they could not create on the study field. Someone's talent is strangled before they were excavated. So hardly to see that fashion do not have so much colorful clothes and brand culture if Alexander McQueen and John Galliano went to study mathematics. History of music will not have such a great musician called Beethoven if he to be a doctor in his age.   Using only knowledge could not solve complex issue in modern social.  Issue becomes more and more complex and Interdisciplinary become more and more prevalent.  Students’ choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field will be shaped short board effect about study.  It could not solve complex issue. Such as global warming that the issue involved ecology,chemistry,political needs various disciplines to solve. A fashion designer wants to open his fashion shop. Using solely fashion knowledge is not enough. It also needs marketing knowledge and the ability of interpersonal communication 。   The education is not only cultivating culture knowledge for students, but also build right moral standard and person value. There is various information flows over in modern social and the employment pressure than before. Students are possible into circuit without right moral standard and person value. For example, Majiajue from China college student, He killed his roommate in the extremely cruel ways just because his roommate laughed at his poor family. One students from the higher university in China call Tsinghua University,he burned bear to relieved pressure. After all, in person live, there are bits of time for working, abundant time is exchanging with people, relaxation and entertainment.   However, students choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field has some limitation, the advantages of clearly goal, powerful pertinence and entering working place earlier to alleviate family burden could not be ignored.   To the further of person and profession, students choice a field of study on their interest and talents have more advantage. Simultaneously, education should not slack them right moral standard and person value. Cultivating overall person that make them adapt the development world continually. 
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