TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:正能量来袭
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 成绩是否是衡量学生学习好坏的唯一标准?为什么?
2. 成绩对于学生学习有何积极作用?
3. 成绩会对学生的学习产生负面影响吗?表现在哪些方面?
4. 学生学习的动力有哪些?除了取得高分数,还有没有其它的?
Education is a perpetual topic in our times.In the past decade, basic education is more and more prevalent. On indisputable fact is that the quality of our living has continued to change considerably throughout modern history, and this trend is expected to continue into the future. Nevertheless, when it comes to the problems of grade whether encourage students to learn, people's notions from one to another. Although many people asserted about grade encourage students to learn, I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis.
It's undeniable that grade encourage students to learn.The latest surveys show that a lot of children's study get better because the grade consitucation. For a students, it is the most excited thind that though his hard work to get a better grade. In the process, he get a sense of achievement by himself and a sence of according by parents and teachers. Therefor, the student have more powerful confident in studying. He is insure he could get a even better grade, so he even more harder in studying.Having to say, it is a beneficial cuirlution. Students' studying interest and enage could better and better and be good for them learn.
However, grade could not always encourage students to learn whoever top students or lower students. A student who grade always in the tpo think the way to prove himself is grade. In this way, he is more harder to learn even gather full-time just to prove that he is best for this partens and teachers. Maybe he would get some hanche and paint because lacking pactsic. Of course, the grade means the union exam and means has "sandrad" answers. The ability of students'thinking by themselves and partcet will be detroyed with this fromation. On the other hand,grade could deroyed a student's incentry who has bad grade but has highly creaty. If use the grade to exmite aiyinstan, we don't know we should wait how many years could have such more inventions.
Judging from above evidence offeren, I can hardly agree that grade encourage students to learn. To some extent, it is depend on students' ability and interest. If a student has suresting incyeuy, the grade just limit his creaty.
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