GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:yby3541
People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are also the most critical of it. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE146"People who are the most deeply committed to an idea or policy are the most critical of it"。题目比较抽象,你可以从生活中的一些类似的事情来进行思考,比如父母对子女的挑剔,竞争对手的挑剔等。你可以考虑人们对于某种政策或观点坚定的原因,同时考虑对一种政策或观点挑剔的原因,从而建立它们之间的关联。
1. 描述一个经常被人们挑剔的观点或者政策,人们为什么会挑剔它?挑剔它的群体是拥护他的多还是反对他的多?
回答: 中国的应试教育制度(examination-oriented education),人们挑剔它是因为受它seems necessary, but negative effects太大,但是又找不到propriate substitute。挑剔它的群体是反对的多,because we suffered a lot, Given spoon-feed instructions, we have become mere receptors who find it difficult to enter this uncertain and no-given-answer society.
2. 人们会出于哪些因素而对某个观点或政策坚定不移?这些因素哪些会造成这个人挑剔/不挑剔它?请举例说明。
回答: 从personal interest出发,or belief出发;if any change in such idea belief or policy leads to interest suffering, never critics,eg政党观点; if believe in, perhaps critic, but try to defend,eg教会维护地心说,
3. 坚信某个观点或政策人会出于哪些因素来挑剔这个观点或政策?又会因为哪些因素不挑剔这个观点或政策?请分别举例说明。
回答: rational person: try his best to find out any alternatives or flaws, eg,my belief in freedom; emotional person or people forced by high spirit, eg, 红卫兵
4. 反对一个观点或政策人会出于哪些因素来挑剔这个观点或政策?又会因为哪些因素不挑剔这个观点或政策?请分别举例说明。
回答: whether satisfy specific or general needs, 应试教育制度.反对观点或政策只是因为不喜欢观点提出者或者是政策制定者,这时候便是盲目的反对,eg, 水门事件后的克林顿
5. 人的情绪会对人的判断和行为造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 情绪激动时判断和行为会更倚重于情绪而非理性,eg黑客互攻对方国家的网站,造成网站瘫痪。
The statement reminds me of an ideal scientist,rational but passionate, who generated his/her ideas carefully, rigorously and objectively, hospital to any critics for his/her precious theory to be improved; or an ideal reformer, struggle to pursue upmost good for human beings, who insists his policies but also open to any possible refinements.  However, it's quite obvious that such ideal models, although exist, cannot be applied to most common people. Considering the different stances, specific circumstances or environments, as well as various personalities, it's hard to conclude hastily that loyalty is positively related to criticism.    Given different personal or group interests to pursuit, people have usually become so defensive that they seldom question their ideas or policies, but assault other critics instead. Considering the one-party system in China, by maintain which Communists can keep longevity of ruling and seek for their own good; however, if the system is overtly questioned, it will lead to successive terrifying outcomes imperiling Communist Party's governance: some of its people would believe the critics and vacillate between one-party and multiparty systems, then become critical about the party's ruling, and even instigate relative activities to against the party. The ruling party knows exactly the above consequances brought about by critics and therefore highlights legitimacy of one-party system and assaults any open critics against it. Despite various interests that people argue for, certain circumstances or environments will arouse an atmosphere of fettish of some ideas or policies, leading people blind to any possible critics. China has witnessed a period of personality cult when Chairman Mao was in charge in 1960s. Mao's sayings were necessities for everyday life at that time, which people repeated fluently and referred to as axioms, and anyone who criticized any part of what Mao said would be regarded as enemies of the people. Once Mao considered it's better to have more children, Chinese population had shot up from 400 million to 1 billion in ten years. Under such overall atmosphere of blind loyalty, people believe but never questioned their belief.  Finally, personality also plays an important role in being critical or not to one's committed stance. Generally speaking, rationality helps to criticise but emotionality might lead to follow blindly.  Very much in the resemblance to facing contrasting views of others, being critical in one's own mind brings temporary discomfort, which people with different dispositions would react differently: as mentioned at the very beginning, for rational people who pursue ultimate truth, such "discomfortable" debate in his/her own mind pushes him/her to discover flaws and shortcomings in the ideas or policies, and thus, make up his own weakness to approximate the truth, which could, in turn, strengthen his/her commitment. However, for emotional or sensitive persons who pursue self-complacency or ultimate happiness, such discomfort should be eliminated at first glance, thus, any contrasting ideas, no matter from oneself or others, are forbidden; and therefore, defensive as a bigot is their choice towards committed ideas or policies.  People believe in ideas or policies for different reasons, for example, to satisfy self or group interest, being influenced by social forces,  or just to fulfill one's feelings, each of which would probably leads to blind loyalty to their commitment. However, only rational people who establish ideas for pursueing ultimate truth or equity would probably most critical to their committed ideas. 
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