GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:yby3541
Young people should be encouraged to pursue long-term, realistic goals rather than seek immediate fame and recognition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
1. 请列举两个你认为成功的教育年轻人的事例,并分析事例中如何指导年轻人去建立目标的,并分析建立了什么样的目标。
回答: Bill Gates drop his Harvord degree to pursue career of devising microsoftware,李彦宏 gave up generous salaries in Cilicon Valley and came back to China to develop searching egines.
2. 对“长远并现实的目标”的追求会给年轻人带来哪些影响?(可从影响的正负面以及直接和间接影响角度分析)
回答: Positive: deferred gratification, person's ability to wait in order to obtain something that he or she wants, permits young people to control egos or immediate impulses, which has been demonstrated to be in direct positive contact of IQ grades, ego resillience and future academic performances. Negative: it's really hard to determine what is realistic
3. 对“眼前的声望名誉”的追求会给年轻人带来哪些影响?(可从影响的正负面以及直接和间接影响角度分析)
回答: Positive: youngsters learn naturally through timely praise or punishments by important others. eg, 皮革马利翁效应 Negative: Rome cannot be built in a day.
4. “长远并现实的目标”和“眼前的声望名誉”之间存在哪些关系?请举例并简述。
回答: 相左:比尔盖茨拿学位和创建微软公司 相应:未来想做一名学者,大学提供很多科研奖励的机会,获取眼前声望有助于实现长远目标
5. 在哪些环境下“长远并现实的目标”更有利于年轻人的发展,在哪些环境下“眼前的声望名誉”又更有意义?请举例并简述。
回答: It's hard to determine which choice is more appopriate for all, the only thing to do is listen to your heart and seize any opportunities along with it.
People, not only the youngsters, always face the dilemma: whether to trudge lonlely on the long, long road towards the illusory "bright" future, or just respond accordingly to our egos (that is, present pleasure brought by immediate fame or recognition from the society). After all, neither can we go backwards or retry as in a game if failed, nor possess that magic power to foresee the future to examine whether our choice is political .  Considering that it's nature for anyone, especially for premature adolescents, to get largely determined by immediate praise from environments, our education should focus more on encouraging young people to defer gratifications for long-term goals. However, such encouragement does not mean that long-term goals are always better than immediate fames, in fact, it's not the endless pursuing nor present pleasure itself but whether they represent our intrinsic desires matters. Therefore, we have to cultivate youngster's impulse controlling ability, and encourage them to listen to their inner hearts when making choices in such either-or situations Given the instinctive recognition-chasing ability, we learn how to behave appropriately in this complex society after born. Mother's smile, teacher's praise, peer's recognition, respecter's approval, and fame or glory from the society, are all powerful positive instincts to move us on when we grow up, assuring us distinguish immediately between dangerous and beneficial,  crude and elegance, and ignorant and intellectual. Thus, the need to be loved, which deeply lies in our minds and impels us to chase for immediate recognition,if appropriately applied by instructors, will help us acquire norms, knowledge, as well as positive personalities to adapt to this society when grown up. However, in many cases, ego-resilience is more inportant than recognition-chasing, as any of us cannot build Rome in a day. It's very easy for us to remind of a successful celebrity who pursued long-term dreams instead of immediate fames: Bill Gates gave up his easy-to-obtain degree for his Microsoft career and finally became world's wealthist; Jerrimy Lin gave up generous salaries in Walt Street but pursued his MBA player dream and eventually became the first Asian-American MBA star who graduated from Harvard. Both the inspiring stories tell us that achivements may require long-time endurance and also the ability to wait in order to obtain one's want, called "referred gratification", which has been demonstrated by the famous psychologist Walter Mischel that has positive relationship with academic performances.  Though it's necessary to cultivate "referred gratification" ability in case that we may face prolonged endurance before achievements, rejecting any possible immediate fames is unnecessary. In weighing immediate and long-range interest, intrinsic desire should play as an effective criteria. Take my career planning as an example: I want to be an instructive scholar in the future, but such long-term dream never requires me to give up all immediate fames, instead I can take advantage of many research programs or researching skill competitions offered to graduate students, to improve my abilities to carry out a real research program in the future. Thus, we can make immediate-fame- chasing as a step of long-term goals pursuing. To sum up, we all prefer to lead a successful and happy life. In order to realize it, we have to listen to our inner hearts over and over before making any decision. Before weighing immediate and long-range interests in the real situations based on inner interests, youngsters should be cultivated both abilities to identify their inner desire and to control egos for immediate fames.
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