GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:毛昞华
[Claim] Researchers should not limit their investigations to only those areas in which they expect to discover something that has an immediate, practical application. [Reason] It is impossible to predict the outcome of a line of research with any certainty. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]研究人员不应该仅仅将他们的研究局限于那些他们希望发现实用而且立即可用的应用的领域。 [理由]准确预测一项研究的结果是不可能的。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
1. 列举一到两项研究以及其成果的应用,试分析在开始阶段研究人员是如何定位的。
回答: When 1752, Franklin conducting the dangerous Kite Experiment, trying to dicover the essence of electricity, he has no sense of how much would the electricity change human life that radically, but he still risked his life doing that. For those scientists whose aim is not for some practical use of the scientific outcomes, the value of research lies in doing scientific reserach itself, discovering the true essence of the world and meeting the curiosity of human beings. However, these researches, without any practical use at that time, provide the theorotical fundation of the consequent researches, facilliating many inspiring inventions as bulb, television, computer. Researching electricity is something with unclear consequences, but no one can deny the tremendous value of that.
2. 对于研究人员来说,他们的本身职责或动机是什么?请举例并简述这些对研究人员行为的影响。
回答: 1.contribute to the society and improve the social benefits, the responsibility of researchers who build the science framework. 如:the celebrated artistic historian Erwin Panofsky. He never stopped his research on artistic history even when persecuted bu Nazi during the World War Two, and finally made great success in graphics, awarded the paradigm of artistic historians of the 20th century. 2.curiosity and craving for the research. Darwin, who promoted the evolution theory , was just a naughty boy who dropped school and spent time with animals and plants in the forests. When he determined to devote himself in biology and observe those creatures, he did not realize that what he would promote will hitherto change the research field of biology.
3. 将研究领域限定为能够“发现实用而且立即可用的应用”,对于研究人员来说,有哪些正面或负面的影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 1.positive can achieve social benefits and trade off the costs. Yahoo found the potential benefits and usage of search engine and utilize the algorithm or searching, soon making itself the once most successful internet campany. 2.such fixation may narrow the field of research and we may not be able to enjoy as wonderful technology achievments as present. eg.electricity
4. 是否存在研究结果非常确定的某项研究,如果有,请描述;如果没有,请分析不存在的原因。
回答: Scientific research is a process of exploring the unknown, about which we can only make predictions, impossible to take any factors into account. The science discovery itself is a process of assumption and experimental research, we may never exactly know what is to come into being before the research.
5. 研究结果的不确定性在一项研究中起到了怎样的作用?面对结果的不确定性,研究人员应该如何去做?请分析并简述。
回答: may lead to unexpected results. The original purpose may not be achieved, but there may be unexpected harvest, as the discovery of Penicillin. Alexander Fleming was carrying out an experiment on bacteria and when he left for the weekend, a technician left a window open and by some chance, a spore drifted in and contaminated one of his pertri dishes. When he came back, a mold had grown and was destroying a colony of staphylococci. That is how the research of Penicillin, the most efficient medicine in the 20th century started.
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