TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:TeresaChen
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你经常使用电子计算机吗?它在你的生活中起着怎样的作用?
回答: 我经常使用电脑,电脑几乎充斥着我的每一个生活部分,娱乐交友学习还有搜集资料等等,我和我的男朋友就是在网络上认识的,我们有着共同的价值观念和目标,所以不可否认的是电脑给我的生活带来了很多的好处和便利
2. 生活中有哪些方面在计算机的帮助下方便多了?
回答: 我是个胖妹妹,所以买衣服鞋子的时候总是会受到服务员的鄙视,但是有了电脑后,我就从这种给钱不讨好还受尽鄙夷的状态中完全的解脱了出来,再个,电脑为我们的学习提供了很大的帮助,使得我们可以学习的内容不再仅仅局限于自己的专业和自己的科目课程,它打开了一个通往世界知识宝库的大门,使我们可以获益良多
3. 而有了计算机以后,人们的生活又会增添什么麻烦?
回答: 电脑虽然为我们的生活提供了大量的娱乐和便利,但于此同时,他也剥夺了人们大量的运动锻炼以及维护身体健康的时间,因为我们长时间的面对着电脑屏幕,很多现代的小孩早早的就带上了眼镜,而我邻居家的麻麻也经常性的视物模糊,很多的青少年也因为喜爱电脑而长时间的坐着不动,以至于囤集了大量的脂肪和经常性的脊背酸疼,这都是以前没有的。
4. 如果没有计算机的出现,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: 如果电脑没有出现,这个世界上的信息流通就不会这么迅速,我们很大一部分人都会接触不到真实的信息而封闭在一个狭小的自我空间里,媒体财经业的打击会最为巨大,而我们也很少有机会接触到外国的朋友
5. 类似计算机这种高科技产品的发展,它们给人们带去了什么影响?
回答: 综合
The effect that brings by computer can not be ingnored since 1946, the year when the first computer was invented,and there also has a lots of change which occured during the last few years and further result in a hot debated of whether computer makes life easier or complicated at the mean time, with the economic developed gowth.From the point where i'm stand by, i deem that it may be too superficial to say computer has made our life increasingly convenient or stressful.
There is no doulbt that computer have palys an pivital role in our modern life, and it indeed have made our life standard increased much more highly than ever before.For instance, like the education, which we cannot recieve previously, is interned to be available these days.people can surf the internet and choose what sort of course they need simply stay at home, the only tool they demand is a useful computer.what's more is that computer have really convenience our life, talk my ant for example, she is a fully computer user who like shoping online, what she said is that thanks to the online shopping which allowed me save mutiplied of money.
on the other hand, the argument that computer had make our life much more complicated seem also reasonable. It is unniversal acknolege that our living spide have been surgied rapidly, and the one of the donor which conttribut to this cricrenstance  is computer.althouth computer permit we share the informotion at tromenderd pace, increaing work surely schedule will need us to conquer.surelly enough it turelly have made us fell much moreand complicated.
Taking all the mention into consideration, an unshakable conclusion would be draw safely that computer has really changed our live style, for some degree it has make our life much more easier than before, but change our view into another point, it surelly made us fell  stressful, so it  is really hard to say which one is more suitable for the change which brings by the computer.
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