GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蜗牛
[Claim] The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its role models. [Reason] Heroes and role models reveal a society's highest ideals. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]了解社会特征的最佳方式就是研究那个社会所选出的英雄人物和榜样的特征。 [理由]英雄人物和榜样们展现了一个社会的最高理想。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE203"The best way to understand the character of a society is to examine the character of the men and women that the society chooses as its heroes or its heroines"。题目涉及三个关键点:社会特征、英雄人物和榜样的特征和最有效的途径。重点应当分析社会中的英雄人物和社会的特征是如何结合以及如何表现(社会如何推选出英雄人物是一个值得思考的方向)。对于是否最有效,因为必须确定一种标准才可以得到相对优劣,所以可通过对比、类比等方法进行论述。写作的时候过程中可以将思路放开,各个时期各个社会都可以考虑进来。
1. 你印象里英雄人物的特征都有什么?和问题二中核心特征有什么对应关系?可以结合实际的英雄人物简单分析。(TIME评选的二十世纪二十位英雄偶像:Muhammad Ali | The American G.I. | Diana, Princess of Wales | Anne Frank | Billy Graham | Che Guevara | E. Hillary & T. Norgay | Helen Keller | The Kennedys | Bruce Lee | Charles Lindbergh | Harvey MIlk | Marilyn Monroe | Mother Teresa | Emmeline Pankhurst | Rosa Parks | Pelé | Andrei Sakharov | Jackie Robinson | Bill Wilson)
回答: 英雄一般都有着常人没有的力量去做一些影响世界,对社会有贡献的事情, 例Helen Keller和命运抗争,不服输 ★对某一领域有突出贡献,对人类的文明,精神有很深的影响,推动社会发展,展现人性光辉的一面,在品质等方面有突出表现。 Helen Adams Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. 她幼年因急性脑炎encephality引致,在安妮。莎莉文老师的帮助下,掌握了英、法、德等五国语言。完成了她的一系列著作,并致力于为失明及失聪(blind and deaf)残疾人造福.The story of how Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to communicate, has become widely known through the dramatic depictions of the play and film The Miracle Worker.
2. 什么内容会是一个社会的特征?你认为现代的中国社会有哪些特征?如果选择一个或者一类人去代表某一个特征,你会怎样安排?当代的美国社会呢?古代的中国社会呢?
回答: ★一个社会的特征体现在方方面面,例如人们对待金钱的态度、人们互助的程度,人们尊崇的品质特征等等,每一个国家所折射出来的特征都是多样的,尤其是在当代,无法用一个人去涵盖全部。在古代特定的时间,文化的abundancy和diversity不像今天这样distinctive,也许还可以用一个人来代表。比如说汉代的中国,可以用董仲舒来来代表——尊儒尚法(advocate Confucianists and legalists),君权神授(kings right derived from divinity).或者60年代的美国用Rosa Parks 来代表——对民权的追求,对平等自由的向往。(或者18世纪末期的美国人用华盛顿来代表)
3. 英雄人物相对于其他人有什么共性和个性?一个社会是如何挑选自己的英雄人物?请结合具体人物或事件举例并简单分析。
回答: 挑选出的英雄一般是对那个时代有意义的,符合人们对于那个历史条件下的向往。和普通人相比,英雄会有当时社会所推崇或向往的特征,或者为得到人们所向往的东西做出了贡献。精神力量(符合人们的价值观)或者能带来人们所需的物质。 比如最美妈妈吴菊萍救了不小心坠楼的小孩。——人们所向往的精神 Abraham Lincoln He saved the Union, freed the slaves, and prised over American's second founding.
4. 如果让你去接触一个陌生的社会,你会尝试从哪些方面去了解那个社会?从哪最容易获得信息?从哪得到的参考信息更多?从哪分析了解起来更容易?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 从报刊等media上的对于各种新闻的评论,可以较快了解这个社会的价值导向;通过这个社会所推崇的elite,可以知道这个社会最为推崇的精神;接触普通人,了解这个社会风俗习惯。
5. 什么是社会的最高理想?你所处的社会的最高理想是什么?哪些人可以代表这些理想?这些人在社会中的地位和作用是什么?
回答: 追求社会的最高理想,应该是整个社会国富民安,没有战争,没有饥荒。有能力的人会一起努力帮着有困难的人,大家追求的价值观都基本相似。 甘地(Gandhi)—“非暴力”(ahimsa)的哲学思想,影响了全世界的民族主义者和争取能以和平变革的国际运动,因为人们崇尚和平。
With the different level of the development of the societies, in different ages, the public always have different values of the world. It is not easy to examine the charter of the a society because it is contructed by numerous factors. Although the heroes or models that society chooses can partly reflect the charter of this society, it is incomplete to say that that is the best way to examine.

Heroes and models are the reflection of the value of the society which that society inclines and admires. Besides the charcters which are sparkling throughout the history of human beings, different periods of time usually have different kinds of heroes who can present their ages. In this way, charters which heroes in the same period of a society to be advertised are uniform while the charters in the different periods are not. Advertising them to the public is one of methods of the government to exhibit the spirits that the government desire their people to have. For example, in the meddle of the last century in China, altruism is extremely significant so that the goverment advertised a hero named Lei Feng. While in these days, the innovation in science and techniques are becoming important, the government is turning to show some scientis to encourge the development of the innovation. This phenomenon is similar to the vogue in the society, transient but worthwile. Heroes are more entirety than the singly slogans. It is easier for poblic to follow. 

On the other hand, heroes are those who usually have a higher level which ordinary do not have the abilities to touch (or they have such abilities naturally but do not inspire them). The distances between the extraordinary and ordinary are the general people desire to pass. It is hard, otherwise, everyone can be a hero. Helen Keller,for example, who is blind and deaf, with the help of the Anna Sullivan, she mastered five languages and done a big contrbution to the disabled which shows the brilliant of the human nature. She is a heroine of the society and also had excellent achievement which most of ordinary people cannot have. Heroes are heroes, the extraordinary spects of them influence the whole society. And with advertising their advantures, even the general cannot tough the level like heroes, they can try their best to chase a higher level compare with their present situations.

Furthermore, the ways to understand the character of a society are numerous. Without examining the heroes of that society, we can get the information by multimedia, which can present not only the news, but the comments which reflect the part of the values of that society. Toughing the native people, we can know more about the customs, which is an essential part of the character of the society. Because the characters of a society are a lot, particular people cannot present the whole society. To understand a society, being one of the members of it maybe a better say.

In a nutshell, one can say that examine the heroes of the society is a way to understand the charter of that society, but not the only one. This means that the best way to understand a society should not be the single way. The overall view of a society require an overall investigation.

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