因果until A addresses the issue of B in a significant way, its C growth will always need to be attributed to D
1. 这个句型结构是什么意思?
2. 用这个句型结构将中文句子翻译成英文
句子1: 工厂会一直需要把经济增长的一部分用来交污染费,直到工厂能够将排污问题作为重要问题来解决。
句子2: 非洲会一直需要把经济增长的一部分用来解决与日俱增的人口的温饱问题,除非非洲能够将人口数量过多的问题作为重要问题来解决。
1. 中文意思:其C方面的增长必然会被D影响,直到A能够将B作为重要问题来解决。 其逻辑关系分类为:因果
2. 句子参考翻译:
句子1:Until the factory addresses the issue of toxic effluent in a significant way, its economic growth will always need to be attributed to paying the high pollution fee.
句子2:Until Africa addresses the issue of over-population in a significant way, its economic growth will always need to be attributed to a growing army of mouths to feed.
根据朗播专家权威分析,将句型结构“until A addresses the issue of B in a significant way, its C growth will always need to be attributed to D”归类到逻辑结构 因果的范畴下,其具体讲解如下:
① the reason often given for A is B A的原因通常是B。
② as A progress, B 随着A的发展,B发生。
until our government could addresses the issue of instability of society, its economy growth will always need to be distributed to illegal armed people
Until the government addresses the issue of environmental pollution, its economic growth will always need to be distributed to expenses on civil health.
Until policy addresses the issue of public welfare in significant way, its growth will always need to be distributed to bourgeois.
until the authority addresses the issue of environmental problems in a significant way ,its GDP growth will always need to be distributed to public health
除非有效地修复了这个bug, 否则总是要把一部分资源用来处理产生的冗余数据。
Until developer address the issue of system in a significant way, its resources will always need to be distributed to useless data generated when running the system.