TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:魏中夏
【IBT机经-39】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: There is no reason to be impolite (rude) to the other people.
1. 讲文明讲礼貌对于在一个社会中的重要作用是什么?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 如果把社会比喻成一个机器的话,那每个单独的人就像机器中的零部件,而礼貌就像润滑油一样。如果没有文明礼貌,人与人之间很容易产生隔阂这样会。服务行业的人如果不礼貌会招揽不到顾客,朋友之间不礼貌会使得关系疏远
2. 大多数人从小受到的教育是礼貌待人,你是否赞同这种现象?请结合实际说明你的理由。
回答: 赞同,认得习惯是需要从小培养的,很多毛病就是小时候养成的,而且这些毛病一旦形成很难改正。如果从小就能养成文明礼貌的习惯,不仅有利于学习过程中和同学老师的交流,更有利于工作以后很好的融入一个团队。很多大公司都有一些关于礼仪的培训课程,说明了礼貌在社会中的重要性。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,你是否遇到过想对个别人以非常不礼貌的方式来答复或回击呢?
回答: 有,我们宿舍有个傻逼天天不按时睡觉,还玩游戏弄出很大的声音来,我就很想用不礼貌的方式回应,但是最后还是没有,我觉得为了这个事不值得。。。
4. 为什么你会产生这种想法?请结合实际简述。
回答: 因为这些人的做法首先很没有礼貌可言,这些人不懂得尊重别人并且自私自利,很让人讨厌。
5. 在这种情况下,你愿意以不礼貌的方式来还击,还是依然坚持以礼待之呢?请结合实际简述你的理由。
回答: 我还是坚持把持最近本的礼貌,因为不礼貌 的行为会付出很多代价,首先,不明白事情的前因后果的同学可能会觉得为题在你自己。并且这样不利于同学关系。最后的一点也是最重要的一点,就是我现在给他提出来了反而帮了他,如果让他的坏习惯保留到工作也后,他会在社会上吃更大的亏。
    Society like a huge machine, and individuals are the components of this machine. Just like lubricating oil is necessary to a machine in good condition, polite is also important to society.     The ways used for communication differ from person to person. And these ways paly a big role at communication. And I totally agree that people should treat people in a polite way whatever the conditions. Because it is polite that can solve problem, solving problem with impolite way just aggravate the problem.     As some particular jobs like manager, a good mood is required, that means talk to people especial the employees in a polite way. Even the employee do something wrong, rigorous reprimand could not make him doing better in the future. In contract, when the employee has a negative emotion he can’t concentrate on his tasks. And it is possible that he would bring the bad mood to his co-workers. As a result, the whole company's efficiency goes down. That is the fail of the administrator undoubtedly. So the polite is important to the managers. With polite, individuals can communicate better and make a united group which is powerful.     In our life we can always see people response others' impolite behavior rudely. But the bad consequences follow. Just few days earlier, when I take bus to school, I saw someone in a hurry and push the man next to him to get out the bus. The man who was pushed felt anger and then argued with the man who just pushed him. Finally they almost fight against each other. It is clearly that the man in a hurry even cost more time on the way and both the men had a bad day. We can image that if both of them use a more polite way, use words like "excuse me" and take each other's conditions into account, they could have a wonderful day by enjoying the feeling of help others.     As far as I am concerned, there is nothing is more important than a good manner. That not only make people around you feel happy but also make you taste the feeling of be respect by your polite behaviors.
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