TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:黄子晏
Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你有没有觉得那些食物比以前更容易准备了?例如面条
回答: 快餐店里的汉堡很快就可以出炉只需肉和面包,几个水果切成的片经过装扮也是一道可口的菜,超市有许多罐头卖。
2. 这些食物变得好准备以后,给你带来了什么好处?
回答: 1.食物容易准备之后,我们往往可以自己动手做菜,这样更容易感受到满足感。 2.对于一些很忙的上班族来说,快餐店可以说是一个不错的选择,节省了很多时间。 3.好准备之后,在种类选择上可以丰富,因为并不麻烦
3. 食物变得更好准备,有没有给你带来坏处呢?如果有,是什么呢?
回答: 有些包装食品里面含有添加剂不利于健康。 营养不能均衡,尤其对于正在长身体的青少年
4. 人们的生活水平受到哪些因素的影响?尤其是跟吃有关系的有哪些?
回答: 衣食住行,吃的好一定程度上说明了人民生活水平的改善,但是,如果环境不好,吃的东西可能会被污染,很可能影响人们的生活。
as the rapid advance of economy, food has become easier to prepare than the past time when people make it hard to touch a bowl of noodles. it is could be seen any supermarkets that various canned food are on the shelf.from my personal perspective, this change improve people's life greatly but not essentially. for this progress brings many advantages meanwhile leads to some harmful problems.
first of all, easy preparation of food means most of us can make our own meals in the flesh, which bring us a lot of confident and content. for example, lunch made by our parents always tastes more delicious than food in students' canteen.  children could get proud and parents also become achievable at the same time. secondly, take office workers as a example, usually, they lack time to enjoy one meal, and some fast food restaurant could be the best choice for them, nowadays, an increasing number of snack bars have risen up, such as KFC, mcdonald's, which satisfy people's require. therefore, people could save their time to get work done. what's more, people could have a wider option of food types because of the simple preparation of meals. in a sense, our life get improved with the change of food's preparation. 
admittedly, it could also present  some disadvantages,  which accompanys this change. an illustrating example is that many canned food containing more and more additive flow into the markets,resulting in many physical problems,additionally, people can not obtain a balance in nutrition, especially growing juveniles. therefore, 
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