TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lzz
Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
1. 大部分时间你是独处还是和朋友在一起?为什么?
2. 和朋友在一起的时候你会做什么事情?这些事情对你有什么益处和不利?
3. 独处的时候你会做什么事情?这些事情对你有什么益处和不利?
One way people choose to cope with the stress from work is to have a nice chat with friends. Fearing of facing the lonely situation, more and more people get used to spend most of time with friends.Even when they are "alone", which is not true, the wide use of internet allows them to make contact with friends in another way. However, coincident with  introspections of this phenomenon,in a time characterized as communication era , is people's growing  inclination of staying alone. From my perspective, I would like to prefer staying alone to spend my most time.
To begin with, such is human nature that people get together in order to release pressure by complaining something disappointed them or unfair. It is a common experience that you abuse someone or something and then several friends agree with you, so you stick to this negative attitude for a long time, for your friends encourage this idea ,to some extent ,which has a greater effect than you consider it alone. Sometimes, talking with friends did has some positive effect on you mood, but it is also likely that the negative topic may prompt these negative thoughts and enlarge them because of the agreement from others.
Moreover, under the influence of friends, some people may find making choice independently difficult to access. They care too much about friendship so that they would believe that if they did something that different from others, although they really want to do this, the friendship maybe no longer exist. They may constantly haunted by the situation that after they make some decision, some friends will not be so intimate as they are now, for they may became different type of people due to different life goals. My decision of studying abroad represents a typical case for this concern. Although people around me are choose to stay in motherland , I feel obliged to study abroad to try a different experience. Instead of making the choice parallelled with my friends', I spend lengths of time to ask myself which type of  life I really want and what kind of a person I really want to be. Figuring out what's your inner desire requires suite of steps, first you have to get rid of your friends influence, and second you need a private room to find out what's you needs. Because we are get used to be a good listener for others, it is essential for us to have this independent time to introspect our inner thoughts, which might take a long time. Or, you are just a person living in other's dreams without your own thoughts and goals.
In sum, matching rapid decreasing private room in the information era is the demand for leaving eough time to spend with nobody but myself. I enjoy this time since not only the  time alone brings me deep and independent thoughts but it helps me to resist some negative ideas that might spread among friends.
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