TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:嗯帮帮
Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
1. 大部分时间你是独处还是和朋友在一起?为什么?
回答: 和朋友在一起,因为可以一起分享欢乐与经历,独处让自己情绪感到低落。
2. 和朋友在一起的时候你会做什么事情?这些事情对你有什么益处和不利?
回答: 1.聊天。好处:会聊学习生活,时事政治以及对未来的规划,通过聊天不尽增进了友谊,增加了朋友之间的信任,而且通过内容也让自己更清楚的认识自;不利:一定程度上丧失了独立思考的能力,自我反省会比较少。2.一起游戏一起玩乐一起学习。好处:让生活更快乐,一定程度上体会生活的真谛,促进了友谊,而且一起学习能过产生思想的碰撞,让思维更加的全面,想象更加的丰富。不利:一定程度丧失独立思考的能力,不会分配自己的时间,当自己独处的时候无法找到事情做。(比如出国之后)。
3. 独处的时候你会做什么事情?这些事情对你有什么益处和不利?
回答: 独处的时候会做一个计划表,根据计划表做自己的事情,主要是改变自己完善自己的事情,比如学习英语,在学习英语除了在方法上需要与朋友交流,更多的时候是需要自己独处静下心来背单词等。好处:自己的时间比较多可以比较好的安排,不需要顾虑太多大家的安排,如果能够真的静下心来收获会很大,有时学会孤独也是变成优秀的一部分(举例)。不利:如果在方向上出了问题并不能及时的发现,可能要一段时间之后才能明白,而且容易造成思维的局限,在行动力上少了他人的督促可能并不那么的积极。
Some people would like to spend most of their time alone, while others enjoy spending majority of their time with friends.Of these two kind of life style ,i prefer the latter,to be with friend in most of the time.That would bring benefits that influent me profoundly.First i want to confirm my view is that if i stay with my friend,we can usually chat with each other, we can talk about the some interesting thing in our daily life for fun and the daily news such as the social politics or revolution of the system of the education or medication.Without chatting,the lasting information is hard for me to receive because i am not the one who would like to surfing on the internet to see the news from NYT. I have remenber the day when i was told that Brack Obama was elected again by American,  if there is no chat,I won't receive these information as fast as i could from my friend when we just talk about the falewere system of the society in US,that's what the Brack Obama always mention through the period of the selection. The second view i want to prove is that when i enjoy most of my time with my friend, i begin to find my issues  which are proposed by my friend,such as i am not wash my cloth recently or i am not work hard for my course or duty,and also they can give me some advice to solve them.As a result, few of these problems were exist when i realized these problems need to be solved and i should be a good man.Their is an issue that i have had it before is that i didn't focus on my first TOEFL Ibt preparation.No plan was maked and didn't work hard in learnin english. One day i was playing the computer games when my friend ask me whether could i do a good job in these test.And he found that i didn't spend much time to learning english and he was afraid that i would fail in the test.But i didn't care.As he said i didn't got a high enough score in these test 2 weeks later.I recognised that it's a issue to me.Then i ask him to give me some advice because he got a high score before and full of experience.Since then i was focus on my TOEFL Ibt and make a schedule for english learning,  i am not sure how long is needed to get a satify score,but the issue of my posture has been solved.Thanks for my friend.The third one is that from  this life form,we will learn to help each other and  take care about our friend.It's important for us.Altough,stay alone could independence us quickly and  brave us face the social problem earlier, the problems which could be solved is limited,for instance, no one could built up the Great Wall alone.without help and care,cooporation and negotiation,the obstacles of circumstance is hard to break out. 
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