TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Leslie_327
Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
1. 大部分时间你是独处还是和朋友在一起?为什么?
回答: 和朋友在一起
2. 和朋友在一起的时候你会做什么事情?这些事情对你有什么益处和不利?
回答: 一起学习 有动力,讨论开拓思路,有时影响效率
3. 独处的时候你会做什么事情?这些事情对你有什么益处和不利?
回答: 学习,思考 效率高,不受干扰。 但 less motivated
Some people enjoy spending most of their time alone, doing whatever they like, while others like to be with their friends for the majority of time. Of these two kinds of life style, I prefer the latter, to spend most of my time with my friends. I think spending time with friends brings benefits that influence me profoundly.
To start with, it is well know to us all that friends can offer great help when we facing difficulties. From literature to movie, people extol friendship as a great love of supporting each other. When ever we confront difficulties, it is our friends who come to us first and offer help. I used to be very upset when I failed in a competition and didn't get the opportunity to attend an activity abroad. Losing such chance that I had been eager for for so long made me extremely frustrated. And to make things worse, I began to lose my confidence. It was my best friend Jerry who helped me get over all of these terrible feelings during that time. She tried her best to cheer me up by telling me interesting stories and take me out to play, all of which distracted my frustration from the failure. She took efforts encouraging me that I have the potential to achieve bigger success. With her accompaniment, I finally got my confidence and passion back and have courage to move on chasing my dream.
Being with friend can also make sure that you are always open-minded. I greatly enjoy studying with my friends. While studying alone may seems more efficient, working together can open our minds tremendously. There is no denying that we should always think independently and have our own thoughts. Yet communicating with friends can help us understand the issue comprehensively, as different people usually look at a same question in different ways. So communication with friends is a simple yet helpful way to improve our ability of critical thinking, which will have a significant impact on our further development.
Thirdly, spending time with friend can build our abilities on team working. Nowadays jobs are more complex and challenging, which calls for teamwork skills. More too often employees see collaborative competence as an prerequisite. When living with my friends, I learned how to treat other people right, how to be considerate and  how to work with others in a way that I can both propose my own thoughts and do not hurt other people's feeling. Most importantly, by being with my friends, i came to understand the importance of communication as well as collaboration. Overall, I think having friends around me is the best way I can spend most of my time.
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