TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:冯雪湖
Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
1. 大部分时间你是独处还是和朋友在一起?为什么?
回答: 和朋友在一起,因为和朋友分享快乐和不快乐,心情会很好
2. 和朋友在一起的时候你会做什么事情?这些事情对你有什么益处和不利?
回答: 经常去逛街,去咖啡厅聊天,看电影。益处:可以给我带来好心情。不利,在一起时间太多了,自己要做的事情总没时间做
3. 独处的时候你会做什么事情?这些事情对你有什么益处和不利?
回答: 看书,画画,作图。提高自己的学习,很枯燥
   Some people prefer to spend their times with their  friends, or spend their times alone. I prefer  to spend times with my friends.
   If someone ask me "Do you really like spend the time with your friends?" the anwser undoubeful "Yes". When i spend times with my friends I have a bright mood. I always  date my friends  to a coffee bar and talk about a lot of thing in rencent, and entetainrment of my life , the sad thing that I have met.
   Now people in significant numbers are getting to recognize that the  team spirit is important in our life.  Spend my time with my friends that  would be better know the team spirit. Once we have a travle in suburban, we lost our way to go back, we encourged each other and slove the problom. Then we back home.
   Although I would like to spend time with my friends that  can be full my knowlege. When we talk to each other, I realized I know less things and popular vocabularys than my  friends, and I can study from them. For me  that is beneficial resources.
    Of course, I spend a lot of time with my friends on account of forget the time, and  i always realize that I did't have enough time to do for myself.
    Although I really perfer to spend times with my friends.
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