GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:李攀
Too much emphasis is placed on role models. Instead of copying others, people should learn to think and act independently and thus make the choices that are best for them.
1. 你在解决问题时通常是希望自己思考解决还是希望模仿别人的行为?这样做有什么好处?有什么弊端?
回答: 希望自己搞定,好处之一是能增加自己的信心,第二,自己明白自己的特点,能更有针对性;弊端就是可能会走一些弯路
2. 描述一个你认为可以作为榜样的例子,人们是如何对待这个榜样的?他/她是否被人们过分强调了?请举例说明。
回答: 毛主席,作为中国的最高领导,他有过人的智慧,学识与胆量和远见;但是他的榜样作用在中国被夸大了,以至于神化了
3. 被模仿的榜样是如何出现的?他们有什么特征?如果要学习,什么样的榜样是值得学习的?什么不是?请举例说明。
回答: 由于在某些方面很突出,受到一些人的欣赏,被推荐出来的。我们应该学习那些有能力,有远见,有道德的人
4. 独立思考和做事情对于一个人做出决策和选择来说有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 不会被社会上的一些人和事所左右,而是根据自己的实际情况来决定,符合自己的实际情况。 比如选择考研还是工作的问题
5. 模仿一些榜样来做事情对与一个人做出觉得和选择来说有什么好处?有什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处在于,根据别人的成功经验,来做决定和选择,避免了盲目。弊端在于缺少跟自己实际情况的结合
The speaker contends that we should learn to think on their own rather than copy role models. Although I agree that independent thinking is of significance to make a sound decision , the speaker underestimates the significance of learning role models.
 I concede that it is essential and significant for us to make best choices based on independent thinking instead of copying role models indiscriminately and blindly. After all, every person is such an unique entity that what suits others might not suit him or her. If we just indiscriminately follow the foot prints of others,but not think or act independently , we may end up in failure. On the other hand, independent thinking tend to lead people to innovative and significant choices ,which in turn, give rise to success. The following great names in the physical sciences come immediately to mind: Mendeleev , Einstein and Crick , who not only act independently ,but think independently as well. Mendeleev compiled the unprecedented Periodic Table; Einstein called Newton's three laws of motion into question ,giving rise to a new theory, the theory of Relative; similarly Crick challenged the prevailing notion that the structure of DNA is single helical and later discovered the truth behind DNA structure. In short, instead of copying others , these great people thought and acted independently , contributing to their best choices and therefore their staggering achievements.
However, role models are equally ,if not more , important for us to make best decisions or choices in three respects.Firstly, role models with rich experience and expansive knowledge can make us aware of the big picture of the issues we face. Through getting the big picture first, we will be more reasonable when making choices about the issues. For example, students can have a rough idea about how to learn a foreign language and the overall characteristics of the foreign language through related linguists' rich experience and knowledge , thus they tend to make a better choice than other students about the way of learning the language. Also, we can learn lessons from mistakes role models make to avoid the same mist.Take the discovery of DNA structure by Crick and Watson in biology. According to Crick, he was witness to the faults that his co-workers made in their futile attempts to figure out the model of amino acid chains in proteins ,which turned out to be significant lessons applied to the helical structure of DNA. The two examples illustrate that one can make better,if not best choices from either role models' achievements or mistakes.
In addition to helping us save time and energy ,as well as avoid making unnecessary mistakes, role models add impetus and conviction to our pursuits , so that we can stick to those tough but good choices. For example,we from time to time want to give up our dreams because we find difficulties and drawbacks we encounter too tough or challenging. However,when we read stories of role models, such as Helen Keller, a deafblind person becoming a great female writer and lecturer at last, we feel we regain energy and confidence ,which in turn help us stick to those tough but best choices. In short, role models uplift our spirits, so much so that we would adhere to those seemingly dispensable and tough but probably best choices.
 In conclusion,instead of copying others , we should think on our own to make best choices because we are unique entities ; on the other hand, however, we should not underestimate the significance of role models ,who can equip us with impetus and enable us to gain an overall picture of the issues we face and give us lessons ,which in turn , assist us in making decisions..
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