TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:JJwu
Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 团队工作时需要员工具备哪些特质?
回答: 合作 宽容 团结 激情
2. 根据这些特质,你觉得什么样的工作适合团队合作?
回答: 新项目开发 大型体育赛事 电视节目
3. 团队合作有什么弊端?
回答: 意见各异可能会产生矛盾 分工不同可能会出现交流不足
4. 独立完成工作需要员工具备怎么样的素质?
回答: 耐力 灵活 决策力
5. 在什么情况下适合单个人去完成工作任务?
回答: 独奏 考试 边疆哨兵
6. 独立工作有什么不好的地方?
回答: 出现错误是没有人指导 制定目标是没人引导
With few exception ,people hold the view that Manner of working can be composed of working with a group of people on a team or working indepandently.Different job require different working my opinion,  it is more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team for the following reasons.
Firstly, almost every job we have to do is worked by a group of people on a team.such as new project exploitation, large sport games ,TV program and so on.A TV program take advantages of compere, director, cameraman and so on to achieve finish a program successfully.
Secondly,a member of a team should have the following personalities:unite,cooperatvie,tolerant and passion.All the above personalities are playing an not negligible role in our daily life.They permit  our success in our job.When I was a little girl, I took participate in a basketball game.And I missed a golden opportunity to shot becuase of my bad cooperation with other teamnates.After this game I noticed that cooperation is an important element in our daily life and from then on I cooperate with other people well when I have to work with others to finish one thing.
Lastly,in many cases team work making significant contributions to job with higherworking efficiency,less mistakes.For instance, we spend three hours cleaning our house by ourselves,while one hours may taken by all family memevers.
Though the adventages that working with a group of people on a team are numerous, we should not deny that working indepandently has some slight advantages.Aswe have more time to think not talk with others when we work indepandently, we can figure out a wonderful plan by deep consideration.

In conclusion,I gree with that it is more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team
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