GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:双双Sunny
The stability of a society depends on how it responds to the extremes of human behavior.
1. 哪些行为属于人类的极端行为?请举例说明。
回答: 比如说人类的游行、暴动、集体自杀、绝食等。比如说在中国发生的藏独事件,法国的集体罢工,美国工会的游行。
2. 人类的某一种极端行为会给社会造成什么积极或消极的影响?请举例说明。
回答: 积极:迫使社会更加关注某一领域或某一问题,并极力解决。消极影响:会造成不必要的伤亡或者经济损失。
3. 社会稳定性会受到哪些因素的影响?这些因素是否与极端行为有关?请举例说明。
回答: 社会的稳定取决于政府的执政能力、人们的向心力、经济的发展、武器的先进。其中由反政府的游行,考察政府的向心力。也有因薪水、福利下降引起的罢工暴动,与社会的经济发展有关。
4. 当某种极端行为发生时,社会会用哪些方式来应对?这些方式会造成社会稳定性的什么变化?请举例说明。
回答: 政府通常用媒体传宣:稳定军心。警方用催泪弹等散人群,必要时会动用武力。这些措施会造成社会的不稳定。比如说2010年9月7日,法国发生全国性大罢工。抗议总统萨克奇提出的退休年龄从60岁提升到62岁。全国有250万人参与,但政府报道为110万,政府表示退休金制度现在已经赤字,绝不退让。
The stability of a society doesn't only depend on the immediate response after the extremes of human behavior, but also on what the society learn from it and whether doing something or not.
The first example happened in 2005. An undergraduate of Fudan University, one of the famous universities in China, abused a cat to death. Unfortunately, our society didn't do much about this and in recent years, some similar tragedies happen again and again, which ultimately have our society's attention. Many newspapers, TV programs and broadcast responded to these incidents by accusing the extremes of students’ behavior. Some really angry naturalists said that the abusers should be treated in the same way, an eye for an eye. The government announced that our society should pay more attention on the students’ mental stress and help them to release. Since that time, many psychological consultancies, acting as a vent by helping students handle with their problems, have been built in nearly every school, from primary school to college. From these cases, our society has learnt something that we ignored before.
Another example is in France. In 2010, France broke out a nationwide strike to object the new policy of increasing the retirement-age from 60 to 62. More than 2.5 million people have took part in a demonstration. What the government's response to people is their country is in the trend of aging and the government has a problem to afford the retirement compensation. However, French people think the new policy does harm to their interest and they stick to the strike. The government insists to its decision and disregard people's willingness. So far, we cannot say whether France is a stable society or not, but maybe the latter policy of French government will offer some clues. If the government put its people in the first place and think about their interest more, then we can say France will have the stability of a society. Otherwise, the France will be endangered sooner or latter.
Therefore, when a problem comes out, if our society could respond to it quickly, handle it, learn from it, and take some steps to prevent it from happening again, then we could say our society is much more stable.
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