GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:婧韡viola
How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.
1. 孩子们适应社会的能力强(或弱)表现在哪些方面?请举例说明。
回答: 表现在孩子们的沟通能力,交友能力,对于陌生环境的适应速度
2. 社会发展会受到哪些重要因素的影响?这些因素哪些是和孩子们适应社会的能力有关的?请举例说明。
回答: 经济因素,居民素质,居民道德水平,政府政策,社会安全环境。居民素质、道德水平等与孩子有关。
3. 适应社会能力强(或弱)的孩子会对社会做出什么贡献?会给社会带来什么麻烦?请举例说明。
回答: 适应能力强的孩子会对社会的有一定的推动力,而适应力弱的孩子可能因性格缺陷导致对社会的不良影响。
4. 我们有哪些具体的手段和方法来培养孩子适应社会?这些手段和方法在现代社会中被执行的情况如何?为什么会出现这种情况?请举例说明。
回答: 1.适当让孩子参与社会活动,如夏令营。2.培养孩子的独立性,自己动手完成一些任务。有些执行的很好,有些则不然。因为孩子的不同性格,以及家庭的教育方式不同,导致结果的差异。
5. 哪些因素会制约我们对孩子适应社会能力的培养?请举例说明。
回答: 1.家长的教育方式。2.社会环境。3.家庭经济状况。4.孩子自身的性格。
With the rapidly development of economics and science the children are more and more concerned by their family and society. As we all know, the children are vital parts relate to our society. In my personal point, the children are important to society, but can not determine the destiny of society. However, the parents should learn how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.
To begin with, the children play a vital role in changing out society. If the children are raised with no ambicious and no merits, the society will suffered with unimaginative life. Although the children are too weak to protect the society, they are essential to our life. For example, we can not forget the tsunami which taken at 2004. Some people will keep a little boy in their minds forever. Because of this little kid, the people who were enjoying the beach are survived by his commend. There are many same conditions in the world that the children could save human being with their smart brains.
However, even thogh the children are substantial to society, they can not determine the destiny of society. There are many factors can influence the destiny of society. The factors conclude the development of economy, the level of scientific technology, the education for all grades of students and the governmental policy. Many factors effect on the society simultaneously. So, if we call for a better society, we need to promote all the factors that we are not engough harmony. From this analysis, we should not only draw attention to our children, but also pay attention to other aspects.
Unfortunately, we have not grasped the key how to raise children to be a useful people to society. The parents and school always concern about the achievement and the scores what the children get. They ignored the most significant things that is the have right way to treat surroundings, to build a successful relationship with others, and extend their sights. Moreover, all these virtues can not learn from contexts and classes. We need elites in many field, we also need an effective leader in our future. Only in this way, the children can be raised to a strong man and a useful man to our society.
To sum up, from personal perspective, I think we should raise children in a better method and better orientation, and make our society more modern by improve the factors that not only relevant to children. We should build a balance between the education and society. Without sufficient education, the society will not advance. Without other measures our society can not advanced in a correct road. In short, both children and society need precise action to make the condition better and better.
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