GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:ZHAO
Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem.
1. 一个研究者做自己感兴趣的研究有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处或缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:更有激情、更有可能做出成绩;缺点:研究的东西可能是社会不需要的
2. 研究者会因为什么原因做自己不感兴趣的研究?这样做有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处和缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 会因为利益,好处是可能对社会有利,缺点是研究者的天分被忽略。难以产生伟大的创造。中国科研
3. 研究者的兴趣太少见有什么好处?有什么缺点?这些好处或缺点能对研究对社会的贡献造成什么影响?请举例说明。
回答: 可能开辟一个新的领域,也有可能对社会没有用。
4. 除了兴趣以外,研究者的研究会受到哪些外界因素的影响(比如社会的刚性需求等)?这些因素哪些会影响到研究对社会的贡献?请举例说明。
回答: 资金、社会需要
5. 研究者在社会发展过程中扮演了什么角色?他们的责任是什么?这些社会责任要求他们的研究必须满足什么条件?请举例说明。
回答: 推动社会进步
In my opinion, scholars and researchers should be encouraged to pursue the interests, as long as their interests have no potrntial harm to the society.
In the first place, when encouraged to pursue their interests, scholars and researchers are more likely to make great contributions to the larger society. For instance, the Theory of Relativity which led the physics into a new time, was advanced by Albert Einstein, who was only pursuing his interest on theoretical research. In addition, Mendal spent eight years to observe the genetic characters of the pea by the stimulation of his interest, becoming the first to suggest the existence of the Laws of Heredity, which laid the foundation the modern genetics. Moreover, both the researches of Einstein and Mendal are beyond their contemperaries, which seemed even unusual and idiosyncratic. Therefore, scholars and scientists should be encouraged to pursue their interest, which is likely to bring about improvements on science and technology.
On the contrary, when scholars and scientists are not encouraged to pursue their personnal interests, it's less likely to make significant discoveries and inventions. The current situation of Chinese academia is a good case in point. Chinese scholars and researchers are not supported or encouraged to pursue their own interests. Instead, they do research which are aimed to make contribution the society, on the stimulus of by financial benefits, despite their dislikeness. This is why Chinese academia rarely makes significant contribution to the improvement of science and technology. With too much focus on whether their research can benefit the society, scholars and scientists will have less passion and let their talents wasted. So it is unwise to ask the scholars and scientists to concern with whether their work makes a contributionn to the larger society. Instead, the pursuit of their individual interests should be encouraged, even if sometimes those interests might seem unusual or idiosyncratic to others.
However, when the scholars and scientists' individual interests show potential problems or harm to the society, they should be discouraged or even forbidden. For example, many scientists are strongly interested in human cloning which is banned by the government. The reason is that human cloning may cause severe problems of ethics and morality. Thus the pursuit of personal intersts of scholars and scientists should not always be encouraged. They should be sure that their work will bring no harm to the society. In sum, the pursuit of individual intersts of scholars and scientists will usually contribute to the larger society and should be encouraged. However, when their work may cause potential severe harm or problems to society, it should be limited.
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