GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:huyishu
As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate -- and, perhaps, even cruel -- when one considers all the potential uses of such money.
1. 对于社会基础问题以及艺术发展,现在各国的投资支持态度是如何的?请描述具体某国家的情况,并评价其是否合理以及原因。
回答: 有的政府会出资赞助艺术事业的发展,有的政府会撤出监管,让市场去决定艺术发展的走向。比如澳大利亚悉尼的歌剧演出团体,不依赖政府或团体的资助,自行前往其他地区寻找演出机会,比如中国,每年政府要投资参与社会文化的建设,或者保护濒临失传的非物质文化遗产
2. 社会基础问题(饥饿、失业、缺少生存的基本技能)得不到解决会对社会产生哪些不良影响?请举例并简述。
回答: 这些会造成社会的不稳定,人民的财产生命安全没有保障。 比如去年的伦敦骚乱,比如发生在中东国家的阿拉伯之春
3. 在社会基础问题解决之前是否其他任何投资行为都是不合适的?能否因为社会基础未得到解决就不去用公共资源支持艺术?请解释其中的原因。
回答: 不是,社会基础是相对而言的,并且每到一定阶段自会有新的标准,永远也满足不了,如果等到实现共产了再去进行文化建设,这是不可能实现的,其次艺术作品对于解决社会基础问题也有帮助,比如人们通过阅读文学作品,看电影打发休闲时光,都要好过打架斗殴示威游行
4. 如果一个国家专注于改善其社会基础而忽视了艺术发展,该国的发展会出现哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 艺术的作用是陶冶情操,帮组人们称为一个道德品格良好的人,专注改善社会也只是在物质层面改善,即使人们富裕起来,但却没有相应的提高道德修养,那么问题就源源不断,今日中国就是做好的例子,人们有钱了,但却被巨大的财富所带来的幻觉蒙蔽,人们不信任法律,只崇拜金钱,一个号称拥有优秀传统的民族身上却体现着巨大的文明断层
5. 社会基础问题和艺术二者之间存在哪些相互影响?请举例并简述。
When asked what you feel proud of your country, probably a Chinese student wll reply without hesitation that the culture, the very glory day of our ancestors. The  once advanced navigation technology, the skillful portrait of Bianliang, the metropolitan of Song Dynasty, and the literature works that leave great impression on several generations.  What I find interesting is that the art achievements of recent three decade are rarely mentioned in our textbook. Perheps it is related to the recent social coditions. I believe that any government ruler should always keep in mind about investments on art program for art achievemnts are vital to a society or a nation.

Art works provide an option for relieving pressure from daily life, which ensuring that people is exclusive to voilence. The year 2011 was marked by the democratic movements that spreaded in the Eastern Middle region, which was call the Arab Spring. When pictures of youth in Libiya carring guns wardering in streets were shown on TVs, politcal scholars warned that the living condition of those young people should arouse peopel's concern. The young people have no entertaiment at all since the government devote all its power to arm force,let alone art investment. Thus, young people under living burden had no choice but turn to voilent activities, through which they hope the living condition can be improved. From what happened in the Estern Middle region, I conclude that the art work ensure that people can get relaxed from their lives, and that is a key to maintain the social stability.

Also,  art works is the most straight media for culture communications. For example,when one person introduces his own country, the most effctive way is to talk about the history of art. A french girl may admire French literature masters when meeting friends from Asia, and also a America boy may talk about hollywood movies with enthusiastims to his Indian peers. The huge achivements in art industry have directive realtion with the open society that the government  rulers try to maintain.There is no deny that basic social issues are urgent to sovle: A starve person has no sense of noblity and morality. Government should impletes effctive policies to deal with starvation, medical insurance and any possble issures. However, this cannot be the excuse of cutting down investment on art industry, since value  art's effects on society, the policies might work out.
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