TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:钱琛
How do movies or television influence people's behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 你喜欢看电影或电视吗?描述一部你最喜欢的电影或是电视节目。
回答: 喜欢,电影:这个杀手不太冷,很新颖的题材,给人带来人性的震撼 电视节目:老友记 轻松活泼,是很好的轻松娱乐的方式
2. 你从电影或电视中学到了什么?
回答: 爱与力量,理智与情感,如何处理生活中的一些事情,看到现实生活中我们所不经历的一些事情,科幻片可以让人更有想象力,动画片让孩子么更有爱心,爱护动物,经典的片子能让我们对人生进行思考
3. 这些学到的东西对你的行为有什么益处和弊端?
回答: 益处:如上 弊端:很多事情并不是真实的,混淆了现实与想象
4. 如果没有电影或是电视,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: 很无聊,每天生活在自己世界里,不能体会多种人的生活,也不能对生活有个全面的认识
5. 电影或电视节目这种文化产品在人们的生活中起到什么作用?
回答: 娱乐,消遣,满足人们的好奇心,仅仅通过电视我,我们就能看到多彩丰富的人生百态,作为茶余饭后的谈资,增进人与人之间的感情
As a reflection of the progress of society, movies and television were created automatically. Nowadays movies and television, acting as partners of people's lives, seem to be indispensable to people. As to how television and movies affect people's live, I think they have influenced people's daily lives as well as people's thinking about life.
When it comes to the change of daily lives, the first thing come to mind is that television and movies bring people much entertainment and pleasure. For example, in previous times, people went home after work and then began to cook, and then went to sleep. Compared with those old boring days, people now appreciate watching TV or going to the cinema after supper. What is more, after the presence of television and movies, people have more things they can communicate with each other. Friends who are always hanging together can talk about what they have seen recently, obviously it is a good way to enhance the relationship. In addition, it is a fact that TV and movies help people who hate reading to gain more knowledge. For example, many people do not like to read Chinese four classic works, but owning to the television, almost everyone is familiar with The journey to the west and A dream in red mansions and others.
Movies and television lead people into a different world, experiencing different lives of different people, it is easy to affect people's thoughts. Actually, many movies and television help people know more about the real society. For example, Woju, which reflects the reality of China, is very popular. It depicts how large pressure Chinese younger adults should should nowadays and it causes people to think about the life today and future. In addition, some movies teach us the meaning of different kinds of love, such as The professional which is my favorite movie,the killer helped the girl so much and died for her eventually, that is all out of love. And Beautiful life impressed me because of the great father's love. What is more, science fiction films bring us more image about future, and cartoons teach children many merits which they should know at an early age. 
In general, television and movies affect people's behavior and lead people into deep thinking about their lives.  
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