GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:李昊_924
[Claim] Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future. [Reason] Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]任何被称为事实的信息都应该被怀疑,因为它在将来很可能会被证明为是错误的。 [理由]大多数被人们认为是事实的信息结果实际上都是不准确的。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE239"Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus, any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future"。题目讨论应该对信息保持何种态度的问题,题目首先给出一个判断(很多事实信息不准确),进而给出一个建议(因为可能是错误的,所以所有事实应都该被质疑)。分析过程中可以从怀疑在不同情况下对于不同类型的信息是否适宜及其利弊展开。需要注意题目给出的限定:“任何被称为事实的信息”、“将来很可能会被证明为是错误”。
1. 有哪些信息过去被认为准确却又被推翻了?在这过程中对信息的怀疑起到了什么作用?请结合具体历史事例阐述。
回答: 如地心说被日心说推翻、爱因斯坦的相对论因为最近发现的比光还快的微粒被推翻。对信息的怀疑起到了帮助人们推翻旧事物建立新事物。如果我们不去怀疑既有的信息,创新就无从而来了。
2. 对信息的怀疑精神会给人们带来哪些好处,过度怀疑有哪些不好?请举例并简述。
回答: 让人勇于去挑战权威并提出自己的观点、锻炼自己的独立思考能力而不是去盲目的接受所有的信息。过度怀疑一个已经不可能错误的事实可能会使思维受到局限,钻牛角尖。
3. 能否因为有的信息被证明不准确就说明其他信息在以后也可能被证明有错,并去怀疑所有被称为事实的信息?这种对所有信息的怀疑会带来哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 不能。这是一种以偏概全的想法,信息之所以能传播是因为它有一定的可信度,所以不可能所有的信息都是有漏洞的或者是错误的。如果我们去怀疑所有的信息并努力寻找没有错误的信息中的错误,我们可能会浪费很多时间和精力或者是金钱,起到了适得其反的效果。
As our society, which is largely international and modernalized, is developing faster than before. We have to face lot of information that we do not know whether it is ture of fauls, leading us to a question: should we suspect any piece of information? In my point, although most information surrounding us is proven ture, we should keep our spirit of suspection for information.
Many sicientists suspected the information which they thought wrong and build up their own, more credible theories. Copernicus propound that sun is the centre of galaxy, contrast the earth-central idea which be trust in hundreds years. Galileo experimented that objects which have different mass will touch the ground at the same time if they are emited in the same height, also subvert what people thought at that time. Just like these scientists did, if we want to think individually without interference or renew the theoreies proposed by prior which probably have mistakes, we should suspect them rationally.
Suspecting to information can also keep our mind from garbage information or non-used information. As the internet is convenient to transmit information, we can not distinguish the right information at a short time. We should keep our mind to judge which information can be accepted and whether it is true, such as scandals of famous entertamints superstars or some irresponsibel saying.
On the boundrays, it is uneffeciency if we excessly suspect every information, just like we can not think we get untreatble diseases only from a cough. Over suspection will mislead our mind, waste our time and eventually lead us to a unboundryed way of wrong thinking. 
I concede that most information, paticularly those scientific thoeries and powerful people's saying, around us is ture, we should keep our mind from accepting information without thinking individualy. Only if we are trying to pick up the false in information nationly, can we prompt our society and devise more innovate creation or new theories.
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