GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
[Claim] Any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted, since it may well be proven false in the future. [Reason] Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.]
[观点]任何被称为事实的信息都应该被怀疑,因为它在将来很可能会被证明为是错误的。 [理由]大多数被人们认为是事实的信息结果实际上都是不准确的。 [说明]写一篇文章,讨论你同意或反对这个观点,以及支持观点的理由达到怎样的程度。
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE239"Much of the information that people assume is factual actually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus, any piece of information referred to as a fact should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future"。题目讨论应该对信息保持何种态度的问题,题目首先给出一个判断(很多事实信息不准确),进而给出一个建议(因为可能是错误的,所以所有事实应都该被质疑)。分析过程中可以从怀疑在不同情况下对于不同类型的信息是否适宜及其利弊展开。需要注意题目给出的限定:“任何被称为事实的信息”、“将来很可能会被证明为是错误”。
1. 有哪些信息过去被认为准确却又被推翻了?在这过程中对信息的怀疑起到了什么作用?请结合具体历史事例阐述。
回答: 亚里士多德的两个铁球同时落地。后来经过比萨斜塔实验推翻了前人的论断。地心说在过去被认为是正确的。后来经过不断的怀疑,最后伽利略用自制的望远镜证明了哥白尼的日心说。开始人们觉得分子Molecular不能再分了但是,但是后来被推翻了里面还有电子atom。菠菜中铁元素的含量,使人们误以为菠菜为铁元素含量最高的蔬菜,是其他蔬菜含铁量的许多倍,而鼓励多食,以补铁。很多年后科学家证实,菠菜中铁元素含量之比正常值偏高,造成这一错误信息是由于当时科学家将小数点点错。科学家推翻了自己先前关于冥王星 [Pluto]为太阳系九大行星nine planets之一的结论,将其视作矮行星dawft planet。 一方面由于猜想,同时由于一些与已知所谓的事实不相符的现象产生,因为怀疑最后才导致了新的理论的
2. 对信息的怀疑精神会给人们带来哪些好处,过度怀疑有哪些不好?请举例并简述。
回答: 好处:对信息的质疑精神,让我们有明白是非的能力,让我们不会受骗与虚假的信息,从而收到伤害。对信息的怀疑精神同样有利与发展出更加完善正确的理论。同样质疑的过程就是思考的过程,在这个过程中,我们提高了独立思考的能力,逻辑能力。 过度怀疑::过分怀疑counterproductive. A 科技将无法发展,我们总是建立在一些理论之上的。如:经济学理论,物理学理论。B 常识告诉我们学生必须先掌握一定的知识,然后才能怀疑,而不是无谓的怀疑。如:自己去设计永动机。
3. 能否因为有的信息被证明不准确就说明其他信息在以后也可能被证明有错,并去怀疑所有被称为事实的信息?这种对所有信息的怀疑会带来哪些问题?请举例并简述。
回答: 不能因噎废食(refuse to do what one should for fear of running a risk),就像人们不会因为飞机事故,而坐轮船从上海到纽约。对于信息是否值得怀疑应存在于头脑甄别之后,这种甄别(discriminate )是源于知识和信息大量而长期的积累,或是源于经验的累积。某些问题是不值得我们去怀疑的,比如说地球自转方向为自西向东。 同时,即使我们无法判断有些事实在今后是否会被推翻,但是如果就目前的情况来说,它是符合现实规律并且可以给人们带来利益的,我们就应该毫不犹豫的去使用它和承认它。比如一些经济原理,可能今后会被推翻,但是只要现在它还能够对我们的经济行为进行正确的指导,我们就应该利用它,遵循规律following the rule(discipline)。不需要怀疑一切不要过分夸大事物的不确定性uncertainy,过度的怀疑会产生counterproductive effects 牛顿说:要站在巨人的肩膀上,什么意思可想而知
Summarizing a great number of theories and theorms in the human histories, despite a few theories wrere overturned and some theories were expanded with some new knowledges, but we could not deny the corectness of those theories, all after these theories brought a lot of access or ways for us to solve the pulzzing questions or problems. And they also provided people with great space to explore the further development of our society. So we should respect those disciplines, and pay attention to it.For one thing, iu our course of histories, there are some theories like the says of earth or the gravity is turned our to be false, but we could not refuse all the theories that produced in the modern society or in the past. Those theories at that times promoted striking evolutional of our science and heightend the lives of people. Although now we find some minor impecfection about those theories, they still could explain many questions and problem. The only way that we can do is to add some new advancing knowledge to it and make those theories more pecfect, thus, they could become more applicable for us to solve the existing puzzles and find some new applications. So, the idea of the author is wrong and I could not accept it.For another thing, even if we know the past theories has some impecfections, we can definitely be sure that the new theories that established in the modern society will be produced some errors. The answers are indefinite. Most importantly, those new theories would bring a great economic profits and relationship with our live situation or the nature of the world. we can use it to resolve many problems, thus, our lives could become more healthy and better than before. Why we abandon those theories with such great benefits? Let's me ask you a question, you know a boy who did some wrong things in his past time, and we can draw the conclusion that this boy would still do wrong things again. All these assuptions is base on nothing and we could not come to the conclusion like that.Thsi is ridicuous and unbelievable.Thus, from all the reason explained above, we can come to the conclusion that we should evaluate these existing theiores and find a better way to perfect them.
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