TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:dytzz2608
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Watching television is bad for children. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.
1. 当你还是小孩的时候,你看电视的时间多吗?都看什么类型的节目呢?
回答: 小时候虽然不经常看电视,但是还是看过,基本是动画片。
2. 你觉得这些节目对你有什么影响?
回答: 首先就是看电视有趣,不枯燥。而且给日常小朋友们带来了话题,大家基本都喜欢讨论动画片。而且这些节目对我自己的影响现在看来还是有一些教育意义的。例如英雄主义。
3. 如果没有看电视,你会去做什么呢?
回答: 估计会出去玩,因为电视,我们经常玩到时间就分开回家,各自看电视。还有时候因为看电视而不做作业。另外可能会看书,因为自从电视出现以后我看书时间就少了。书也能起到电视的作用。
4. 与看电视相比,这些活动是否更有利于孩子的成长?
回答: 我认为很有可能,有时候电视节目里面的内容对孩子来讲不是很合适,有误导作用。例如有些有暴力行为,犯罪的误导等等。还有,对于儿童来说,电视可能伤害正在发育的大脑而眼睛,并且由于长时间看电视有可能损坏身体。如果孩子出去玩也是好事情,可以锻炼身体。而且更加重要的事情,现在孩子一个人看电视忽略了与他人的交流。这对于成长都是十分不利的。
5. 完全不看电视可以吗?为什么?
回答: 当然不行。现代科技的发展总是有好处的。电视更加生动相比于书本和对话。有图像和声音能让孩子更好的学习。有时候适当看电视完全可以促进孩子的智力。而且从电视上可以得到一些最新最快的信息。并且这也是一种乐趣。
Recently, increasing number of parents show much cares about the influence televisions have brought to their children. In the modern society, TV was the most popular appliances in each family. As they are easily accessible to the children, people worried about whether watching TV could benefit children. Someone says that TV maybe good to children because children like TVs. Some others believe that watching TV would have negative effect on children. As far as I am concerned, watch TV could be bad to children for television would mislead children and do harm to their growth. 
First of all, watching some inappropriate TV programs could lead some children to the wrong ways while they are growing. If the TV program were full of violence and crime, children who have strong mimic ability would simply imitate the behavior, therefor, become dark and even criminals. A good example for this is the accelerating crime rate in the group of adolescent. A research indicated that many children's lapses were just came from mimicries of the actors in TV. In this research report, we could make sure that children's ability of self-restrict are relatively weaker than that of the adults, therefore, they probably could not discrete behaviors in the TV program, which may lead a high crime rate among the youth. 
In addition, even though the children could recognize whether the program is good or not, if they keep on watching for a long time, negative effect would also bother them because this seems to threaten children's health. Children are usually easy to be addicted to TV programs, which would make them sitting in chair for many hours. Thus, unlike children before when we have not TV, adolescents now spend less time on outdoor exercises, or at least, playing outdoor. however, both of these activities could be benefit to their health. What is worse, sitting in a chair in the room for a long time tend to do harm to the immunity system as well as eyes. My little brother presents a example of that. When he was at primary school, he was so into a comic program on TV, and could not stop watching it every day. After only a semester, he became myopic and frequently got cold. The doctor just recommended him do more exercises and do not sit in front of the TV for that long. So, TV really bring unhealthy to the youth.
In fact, granted that TV does bad to children, however, just forbid them to watch TV would not be a favorable. Now in the modern world, various of TV programs do contribute to broaden children's horizon. No one could deny that the multimedia way's considerable advantage in teaching children for its easier for them to receive. Nevertheless, watching TV would have negative effect on the communication ability of children. During watching, many children incline to sitting their without a word with others, which severely affects the developing of their social ability. I would take my own experience as an example. I really love TV and I used to devote my whole spare time watching when I was a child and avoid extra talks to others. As a result, when I became a grown man, I found myself feel hard to talk to strange people. Consequently, TV would be bad for adolescents if they were not controlled.
In conclusion, as negative TV programs inevitable exist on TV, and children are too premature to control themselves to be not addicted to watching TV. Leave the children watching TV without any restrict would be really bad to them because TV could jeopardize their health as well as the social skills. Consequently, parents should pay more attention on their children about what and when they enjoy things on the screen.
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