TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:LV
【IBT机经-23】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Young people in today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.
1. 如今的时代特点是什么?对年轻人有什么新的要求?请结合实际简述。
回答: 如今时代的主要特点就技术非常发达使得人们的生活变的非常便利,物质水平有了非常大的提高。为了进一步的发展社会生产力,年轻人必须要有很高的独立思维能力
2. 现如今的年轻人有什么特点?哪些特点是过去没有的?
回答: 生活独立能力差,因为社会的发展使得当今的年轻人的生活条件比他们的父母好很多,他们不必担心吃喝的问题,过着公主和王子般的生活 接受意见的能力差:很难接受与自己相悖的观点,总是固执的认为自己事对的,即便它错的很离谱 过早的成熟:不是思想上的成熟,而是在穿着、谈吐上
3. 这些特点对年轻人的独立性产生了哪些影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 不利于年轻人的独立。首先,从小家庭优越,使得年亲人没有生存危机,从而过分的依赖父母,没有父母的帮助就不能成事;其次,面对大量的信息,年轻人很难做出正确的判断,从而人云亦云,很难在思想上独立
4. 年轻人对家长的依赖都表现在哪些方面?请结合实际简述。
回答: 生活上的依赖,需要父母的经济支撑即便自己已经成人,甚至有不少人连衣服都不会洗 什么都需要父母的照顾
5. 这些依赖性的具体表现方面是否随着时代变化而发生改变呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 会的,一个现象的产生到发展作用是随着时间变化而变化的,当这种现象产生不好的结果的时候人们就会开始更正的,同时社会也在发展
Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, people's life has improved a lot so that more and more people have chances to go out to live or take university and all of these seem to promote young people's ability to depend on their own. However, in my view of point, I think that today's young people are more depend on their parents.  Among countless factors which might influence the statement, I would explore some primary ones here.
Admittedly, in the modern times, more and more people start to insist on their own will which might mean they become more dependent. The reason for that is because of the development of various kinds of fields, such as the information technology, finance and so on, plenty of young begin to choose their job on their own interests rather than obey their parent's will. They believe they can make their dreams come true one day only if they persist on their goals.
However, to insist on their dreams does not mean they are less dependent on their parents now. As we know, people's life quality has a big improvement in 20th century so that these young people always had a very good life when they were young. Obviously, they did not need to worry about the food, the heath and the education, and they almost lived like a prince or a princess in that their parents might help them do all the things they should do except study. When they grow up, they need to leave home for going to university or live alone and they have already no chance to get such help from their parents. However, according a survey, a lot of fresh students in the university don't know how to do the laundry, how to buy the tickets and even how to eat! Thus, it is open to doubt that today's young people are less dependent on their parents.
Additionally, for most young people in today, it is very difficult for them to get the entirely economic independence meaning they have to dependent on their parents' money supports especially when they need a big deal such as buying a house or getting wedding. There are almost 6 billion people all over the world, but the not everyone can find a job with a good salary and even some young people's graduations means they are unemployment people. So they have to dependent on their parents in order to make a living.
In conclusion, although young people nowadays understand the importance of insisting on and making their own choice, they still depend on their parents, mentally or physically. After all, parents are the most solid back for us.
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