TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:fresh
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
1. 你几岁开始上学的?那时候学校有开设外语课程吗?
回答: 我从6岁开始上学,当时在学校里没有开设外语课程,但是我自己在外面报班学习外语。
2. 现在的孩子都较早地学习外语,你觉得他们跟你当时同年龄的时候有什么不同?
回答: 他们的思维更加活跃,表达能力更清晰,表达方式也多种多样。驾驭语言的能力和接受能力也更强。
3. 孩子一上学就学外语有什么好处和坏处?
回答: 一上学就学习外语可以让孩子更早的打下语言的基础,更能接受以后的提高课程,能在孩子的潜意识里形成外语的意识。 而坏处有容易和自己的母语弄混淆,不易分清两种语言的具体用法,容易造成干扰从而导致两种语言的应用。
4. 孩子什么时候学习外语是最佳时期?
回答: 我认为孩子应该在刚出生是就接触两种语言,因为人可以把5种语言作为母语,所以我们不必害怕他们弄混淆。并且越早的为孩子灌输语言的能力就能越早的打下良好的基础。
5. 现在国家对孩子幼年外语教育是怎样的?
回答: 现在国家在小学3年级就为孩子设立了外语课,也很鼓励学校进行双语教学,就是因为语言要从小训练,不能长大了在分家。
In many countries, it was started to set a second language course by schools which from primary schools.In my opinion, however,a foreign language should be taught to children as soon as they stared to get education.It is very hard for an adult to learn a new language when they are getting old. A lot of scientists hold the view that it was the best time to learn different languages when in one's six to twelve years old.One of a friend of mine, who is stared to learn Chinese and English in the same time, is able to use this two language without any problem. Because he use English to communicate with his classmate in school, while using Chinese to talk to his parents. That's the reason why he can handle this two different languages is that he was taught in the same time when he was a baby. However, childen who fail to be taught different languages when they are young,are difficult to learn another language as their mother language.In a long run,children who is learning foreign languages when they are young, may have plenty of time to focus on another works or subjects that they will be taught in high school and university. Then they can full of energy to do other things that they are intersted in.For example, Washinton Briden who is a famous writer,can easily use different languages in his writings, and without thinking how to translation it. However, he knows well about this two different languages as his will,so his books is very well saled. It's attribute to he control two of this languages.Although, children may confused about the usage of two different languages, it can't deny the benifits in different situation in future.To sum up, I take a stand of teaching children a foreign language as soon as they start school. To give them different choices of talk to different people.
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