GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:帝江
Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE89"Leaders are created primarily by the demands that are placed upon them"。题目讨论造就领导者的问题,题目认为是肩负的需求造就了领导者。在分析的过程中,可以从外因和内因对个人成长、发展不同的影响,需求在领导形成过程中的作用、不同领域和环境下的分情况讨论等方面展开思考。需要注意:虽然可以提出其他造就领导者的因素,但不能无视题目给出的关键内容(对他们的需求)而岔开话题自说自话。
1. 请列举三位你认为有代表性的领导人物,并分析这些领导人物为什么会在他们所处的时代脱颖而出。
回答: a
2. 结合某一特定领导人物分析当时的社会存在哪些需求,以及此领导人物和这些需求之间的存在什么样的关系。
回答: a
3. 除了外在需求的影响,个人自身的基础才能和素质在一个人成为领导者的过程中都起到了哪些作用?请举例并简述。
回答: a
4. 在成为领导者的过程中,自身因素和外界需求对于一个人的影响哪个更重要?为什么?请集合具体事例分析并简述。
回答: a
Leaders are the ones who have the ability to lead the people followed to achieve something higher than their capability. It's obvious that leaders have to burden lots of responsibilities and demands, and will always thrive under pressure. However, aside from the external needs and anticipations placed upon them, leaders themselves do have some idiosyncracies to help them outstand among ordinary people.
In most cases, leaders do have to responde to the public's demands in order to gain support. President, for example, has to listen to the public's needs and complaints in order to serve his people better. If a certain candidate cares only about his own affairs, then it's doubtless that he won't be able to win the heart of the majority of the citizens. On the contrary, a candidate who is able to comes up with effective plans to solve concurrent social and economic problems, or propose proposals, such as rising salaries and lowering taxes, will soon be popular and welcomed among voters, since he's apparently more capable of catering to people's general needs. Therefore, since leaders do have to effectively responde to people's needs and demands, we could say that leaders are created and made for such needs and demands.
Although meet the acquires and solve the problems are two of the most important tasks leaders all share, we could by no means omit those elements internal to them which turn them into real leaders. How could they always come up with various plans and recommendations to a given problem? Why could they speak so fluently and assertively in the public? It's because they've been trained for all of these. Actually, those who want to be leaders all have to learn the art of speak. Also, they must be familiar with both politics and economy. But what differs them from one another is their own personalities. A great leader always has a big heart. Magnanimous, lenient and unsumptuous could easily be found under their suits. And that's why people are all williing to lend their trust to them. Hence, it's those personal characteristics that attract thier supporters and help to win supports from a broader range of people.
All in all, leaders are made up of both those external factors, such as social needs and demands, as well as internal elements, usually refer to their charismas. Only a combination of a proper and swift responde to demands and appealing personal attributes could make for a great leader.
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