TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-27】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more enjoyable to have a job, and you work only three days a week with long hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours.
题目讨论的是哪种作息制度更令人愉悦。我们需要讨论的是那种方式会给人带来较少的疲惫感,较多的舒适度,较高的工作效率。不难看出题目给出了一个判断”The more people rest per week, the better(每周休息的时间越长越好)”。有人反对,认为休息时间越长人们越放松越难恢复到工作状态中来,你的观点又是什么呢?不妨把题目从工作角度和休息角度两方面来比较,这样比较的文章结构更为清楚。
1. 在工作总时间不变的前提下,将工作集中到三天内完成,工作强度会让人感到疲惫吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 将五天的工作集中在三天完成,确实会让人感到疲惫,若工作五天每天8小时,集中在三天里就需要每天工作接近14个小时,除去睡觉的8小时,上班的人每天还需要挤公交或是地铁,几乎要用掉2小时,这样的强度几乎连吃饭都会顾不上,对人的身体健康有极大的影响
2. 什么样的工作允许增大日工作时间?什么样的工作增大日工作时间容易产生不好的影响?会产生哪些影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 创造性的工作如编剧,作家适合增大日工作时间,因为这些工作需要的是灵感,几乎是一瞬间的事,想到一个重要的东西需要马上记下来,这类工作就不能框死工作时间。但体力、脑力类的工作就不能增大工作时间,比如运动员,你不能让他成天训练不休息然后接着去比赛,这是不可能会赢的;比如程序员,你不能逼着他每天都去写代码,有时候我编程序,熬通宵写完之后看什么都是字母,随身体消耗是非常大的
3. 工作三天的效率高还是工作五天的效率高呢?请结合实际阐述。
回答: 工作5天效率高。首先工作5天能让人科学合理的安排工作,不会造成对工作的厌倦;其次,工作三天加大了工作量,对身体健康不利
4. 周末的存在有什么作用呢?人们可以利用周末来做什么事情呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 周末的存在可以让人们放松身心,人们可以利用周末出游、看电影、和恋人约会或是安静的呆在家里休息
5. 短周末和长周末有什么区别吗?对人们工作的影响有什么不同吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 短周末限制了人们的出行长度,不能去到很远的地方,但却能帮助人们获得一定的放松,同时精神抖擞的投入到下一周的工作;长周末的存在让人们可以去到更远的地方见识不一样的人和事,但却容易导致回到工作后不易集中精神,工作中出错
with the rapid development of the contemporary society, an increasing number of people, under so much pressure at work, have been deeply depressed in recent years. some of them suggest that it is more enjoyable to have a job, and they work only three days a week with long hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours now. in their expected situation, they can have a longer weekend to have a rest and be more active in the work next week. but as far as i am concerned, there is no doubt that working for five days with shorter hours can help people do better at work and rest better in weekends.people will feel much more tired if they put the work needed five days to be done in only three days. think about that, now we work 8 hours per day and have a rest for 2 days. if it changed to work three days with the same workload, we need to work more than 13 hours per day. scientists say that each person need 8 hours for sleeping per day, besides, considering the crowded traffic in China, we much spare at least 2 hours on the bus or subway for going to work and back home. so, there is only one hour for us to eat or relax. how could we bare such work pressure in successive three days? that will do great harm to our health. what is worse, for a majority of people, they would miss the meal for more sleep. such long time of hunger could cause stomachache or even cancer. it is not worthy to do so for the longer rest in charge of your lifespan.furthermore, some kind of jobs are not suitable to lengthen the daily work like sports players and programmers. if the coach let his players train all the day and then send them to the race course. it is certain that they will lose. athletes need rest more than us ordinary people after they have trained normally. if you lengthen their training time, their muscles cannot have enough rest, then the athletes will not be strong enough to enable them to have a competition or take part in the next training. programmers, however, is another good example, like me myself, each time i finished a grogram with all night working, all i want to do is sleep. i will not eat anything even though i was considerably hungry. but after an all day sleeping, i started eating, much more than i ever eat in my daily life. that is unhealthy, but i can't control. so don't put yourself much stress at work, it does no good to you.since weekend could let people relax their minds, and most of them say they will have a greater efficiency after a long rest so a longer weekend may be better for people to relax than the shorter one now. but i can't agree with it. yes, people can travel around and meet friends or just rest at home in weekend, it is good for our health. a longer weekend could offer people enough time to travel a distant place to experience different culture and see different people. apparently it is good for us. but don't you think that if we have more time to have a rest in life, about four days, it is hard for us to return back to work the next Monday? at least i am the one who come come to study right away after a long vacation.however, some jobs need a free schedule to do, like playwriters and novelists. as long as they come up with an idea or a plot that is related to their works, they can write almost all day to finish it. no one can disrupt them. but even though it comes to them, it is still have the physical problems, so i strongly hold my opinion that we should not put the work needed fives days to do in three days.
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