TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-28】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more important to choose friends that more capable of having fun with than to choose friends that will help you when you need them.
1. 交朋友有什么原则吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 我觉得交朋友应该是两个人有共同的兴趣,能够聊到一起去,而不是指望能从朋友那里获得多少好处,那些刻意隐瞒或者是希望从你身上获得好处的人是不值得深交的
2. 你觉得两个人成为朋友的原因有哪些?请结合实际简述。
回答: 首先,志趣相投,相同的爱好有共同的话题,共同的奋斗目标可以互相促进,共同进步;其次,两个人相处很舒服,不会经常就吵架或者闹矛盾,性格合适
3. 你认为真正意义上的朋友会是什么样的?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 真正意义上的朋友即使很久不见面也不会觉得尴尬,他在你成功的时候会真心的为你开心,在你失落的时候能够伸出援助之手,平时生活中可能嘻嘻哈哈的开玩笑,但是遇到正经事却可以为朋友两肋插刀
4. 俗话说,患难见真情,在你需要时能够及时出现在你面前给予你帮助的人才是你的真正朋友,你觉得这句话对吗?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 我完全赞同这句话。因为能够在困难时帮助我的朋友一定是真心对我的,我也会用真心回报他
5. 能够陪你一起玩儿和能给予你帮助,这两种朋友,你会选择哪一种?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 自然我会选择后者,能陪我一起玩的朋友随时都有,但是困难时给予帮助的朋友可能一生都不会遇到几个,这样的朋友才是一辈子的好姐妹。而且,能陪我一起玩不一定能够在我困难时帮助我,但是我遇到困难后帮助我的朋友却是一定能陪我玩的
since my childhood, i have met a large number of people, thus, among them, i've made quantities of friends. from merely little companions as a child, and bosom friends as a teenager, later on, a lot of acquaintances in my life. it seems like the standard of choosing friends of us is always changing. but whether how it changed, it is more important to choose friends that will help you when you need them than to choose friends that is capable of having fun with.why you two become good friends? from my own perspective, first because of the common interest and ambition, which will let you have the common topics and make progress from each other. once i met a school mate in my senior high two, since we two both like basketball and are the fans of the basketball player Kobe Bryant, besides, we tow have the similar personalities, less then three days, we became friends that can talk anything to each other. and until now, we are also in keeping in touch with each other. another example is in my college, i have three friends which all want to study abroad, and the same as me. so we soon get good friends. after that, we became a study team to study English together and now we all make great progress. i want to thank them because these times we are working hard and if there have not been for them, i couldn't insist it and would give up. the second reason might be the personalities. the characteristics of two friends must be similar or at least make them feel comfortable when they are together. if not, there will be quarrels between them. please also let me take myself as an example, unlike the girl who like basketball i've mentioned above, there is a girl i have met her for 6 years, and became friends since then, but day by day, her sensitivity made feel uncomfortable. she always said to me that a person must have only one best friend and she ask to have the only one, her, to be friend. i can't stand it, so we broke up and were far away from each other. and then i asked myself, what is true friends?  they must be the ones who are happy when you are successful and feel sorrow when you fail. it won't be awkward even though you two haven't meet each other for long time. and if you have a problem, she will try her best to help you, no matter it will cost her.the most difficult moment that i've ever have was when i prepared for the IBT. it became so hard for me since i'd never had a chance to talk in English for such a long time. i could barely open my mouth, let alone, how to cover the whole test within the time limitation. i feel rather upset and almost lose heart. my friend Jeremy saw me one day and she inspired me by saying that if i couldn't overcome the task, how could i survive in the States and make my dream come true? and she also suggested that i should make a well-organized plan to divide my goal into several little parts, which  are attractive and attainable. and just like that, i gradually had a faith in conquering this. day by day, the more i practiced, the more confidence i gained. in my heart, Jer must be my true friend in my whole life, and i will treat her with my heart, too.i'm not saying that we should choose friends in order to get something from them. in contrast, we must follow our heart to when choosing friends. but friends who can just have fun with you can access everywhere, while friends who can help you when you are in trouble may be only a few in you lifetime. not to say the friends who can help you can also have fun with you. i'm saying that compared with the friends who can only have fun with you, friends who can help you when you are in trouble is much more important. 
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