TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-32】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder
1. 请你结合实际简述什么是社会知名度?
回答: 社会知名度指的是被他人熟悉的程度,做的事情对社会产生的影响力的程度。比如明星的社会知名度就很高,他们投入慈善事业比知名度不高的人更能吸引更多的人参与进来
2. 社会知名度和金钱分别会给人们带来哪些好处?请结合实际简述。
回答: 社会知名度会给我们带来满足感和认同感,做的事情更容易被人接受;而金钱带给我们的是物质上的满足,生活更富足,衣食住行更加随性,不用担心经济问题,同时可以给孩子带来更好的教育
3. 哪些东西是唯独知名度能带来的?有人说,获得知名度的同时,也能赚到很多钱,这么说对吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 自我满足,精神上的满足,这种满足感是通过别人真心的认同而产生的,是通过金钱获得不了的。获得知名度的同时也能赚到钱,这种说法是对的,就像明星,他们通过自己的演技或者唱功获得了人们的赞许,积累了一定的知名度,那么就会有人看中他们的知名度找他们拍广告,这样也就赚到钱了
4. 知名度是金钱能换来的吗,为什么?请结合具体事例简述?
回答: 可以,比如说炒作,潜规则啊什么的,还有就是像比尔盖茨、李嘉诚那样特别有钱以至于因为有钱而出名的人,还有就是像陈光标那样将自己的钱投入慈善事业同样可以获取一定的知名度
5. 使人们努力工作的动力是什么?知名度成为人们努力工作的动力的理由会是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 人们努力工作最基本是为了赚钱,为了生活,但是当不用为生活困扰时,努力工作就是为了自我价值的实现,为了将自己觉得对的东西让大众都知道。知名度当然也是人们努力工作的动力,因为知名度能够然人们获得更对的社会认同感,人们能够更方便的传递正能量,为社会做贡献
with the rapid development of our society, people concentrate more about their spiritual world rather than the material life. because of the economic development, we don't have to worry about what to eat and what to wear, or how to get survival. people now care more about how to realize their dreams and how to maximize their personal value. so in recent years, people care about public recognition than about money. even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder. so what is public recognition? as far as i am concerned, public recognition is how many people in the society know about you and how can you influence the whole society with your own manners. for example, some singer stars or movie stars, they have great public recognitions, and what they do can influence a large amount of people especially their fans. if they devote into charity work, it will absolutely have greater effect than with people have less reputation involved. now what can public recognition can bring us? in my opinion the most important is self satisfactory. with other's acknowledgement, we will feel much more confident and get higher satisfactory. that drives us work much harder than ever, just like as a child, if you ever got a high grade and your parents praised you, then you would study harder in order to get more praise. of course, money can bring us more comfortable life. we don't have to care about how much we pay on our food, clothes, house and transportation. we will have our children get better education and let them live happier. but nowadays most of us need not to worry our life quality, so the reason why we work harder maybe to get public recognition. i want to pass something valuable i think to the public so i want the public recognition. that will me easier to do it. also, public recognition can bring us money. that is true if we also look at the stars. when they get public recognition, there maybe some company ask them to advertise their products to attract people to buy it, so they earn money.however, people can also get public recognition by their money, like speculation in entertainment circle. they spend money to act a film or something like that, then they begin to come into people's vision. another example is people who is rich enough like Bill Gates and Jiacheng Li, they are known to the world because of their wealth. also, there is a kind of people such as Gunagbiao Chen, he devote his money into the charity work to help people in trouble, then all the country know about him. but compare what public recognition and money can bring us, i am still believe people work harder largely because they want to get public recognition rather than more money.
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