TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:史慧亮
"When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
1. 你认为成功的因素有哪些?
回答: 机遇,努力,人生观(哲学)
2. 你知道一些成功人士的例子吗?描述一个你印象深刻的。
回答: 李开复,先后在苹果,微软,google公司任职,创办了微软亚洲研究院,参与组建了Google中国,现在自行创业,开办了创新工场,为更多的具有创业激情和能力的人提供全方面的指导,已经成功孵化了一些IT公司
3. 你自己有过成功的经历吗?你是经过刻苦努力得来的,还是有一点点碰运气?
回答: 我觉得高中时,我的英语能力的提高算是一个小小的成功。这个成功主要有两个因素:第一,我自己的努力,发现缺陷,补足缺陷,并有大量的练习来保证语言的熟练使用;第二,老师的指导,让我的努力更加有针对性,更加具有效率。
There is a public discussion about whether luck is related with success. Some people argue that people's success only result from hard work and has nothing to do with luck, but people who advocate the importance of luck, on the other hand, argue that the luck is  also very important for a person to become successful. As far as I am concerned, the hard work is necessary for success, at the same time, luck, sometimes, is an important factor to determine whether a person can succeed.
There are a number of reasons for my opinion. First, if people want to complete something successfully, the first requirement is they should elevate their ability to the needed level. For example, if a bachelor student in China wants to apply a PhD program in the USA, generally speaking, he/she should take the two exams, TOEFL and GRE. As we know, the two exams are not easy for most Chinese student, so if he/she want to get enough scores, much hard working, such as do many exercises in speaking, writing and listening, is very necessary. Another example can tell us the same thing, if researchers want to succeed in their research, say, developing a new catalyst for getting hydrogen from water. A lot of literature review and more and more experiments will be needed before the success. In a word, no hard working, no success.
Second, besides the hard working, luck, sometimes, is also very important for success, because, luck can determine that whether we can display our abilities sometimes. For instance, luck is important for these Chinese students who want to study in USA. As we talked above, hard working is necessary for them, but, sometimes, lacking luck will result in failure of them. Even if they worked hard and improved their abilities to the needed level to get a good score,  but if they get sick or become very depressed at the time of examination for some personal reasons, they would not display their whole abilities thoroughly, a poor score would be the result. Furthermore, if they are rejected in the Visa, they can not accomplish their goal to study in the USA. In these cases, bad luck leads to failure. However, a good luck, say healthy body or happier mood in the test day and pass in the Visa, can help them to fulfill their goal.
Considering all the factors above, we may safely come to the conclusion that hard work is necessary to success, and sometimes the luck is also a very important factor.
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