GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:cindy9027
The best preparation for life or a career is not learning to be competitive, but learning to be cooperative.
1. 想要“过好一辈子”或者“做好自己的事业”需要做好哪些准备?在你的人生、事业规划里会遇到哪些困难,在克服这些困难的时候需要你具备什么样的实力?
回答: 做好自己的事业需要有自主思考,也要有团队合作精神 会需要考学失利,求学碰壁 克服困难最需要具备的知识,勇气,韧性,以及正确面对苦难的态度
2. 如果不具备合作能力,在日后的生活和工作中会有什么障碍?如果不具备竞争能力呢?
回答: 无法与人合作,无法沟通就会错失更好的发展机遇 无法适应激烈的竞争则会被淘汰
3. 在一个团队之中,合作能力会带给你什么利弊,竞争能力又能带给你什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 合作: 通过team work取长补短,各施其能;被团队所限制发展,过度合作个人才华无法展现 竞争:竞争激励个人成长,促进奋斗 ;过度的竞争容易造成人际关系的问题,小集体损害团队利益
4. 以一个旁观者的身份,你认为你周围的人是喜欢合作好还是喜欢竞争好?为什么?
回答: 我认为周围的人喜欢合作,因为合作往往让利益最大化
5. 如果你去带领一个团队(商业团队、球队、组织协会等),你会怎样安排或利用团队中人们的竞争和合作意识?
回答: 我鼓励大家多沟通,在互相了解团员的优劣势的基础上进行合作,同时通过奖励机制在团队内部相互竞争

.     Along with globalization and the arrival of information age, the interaction among public is frequent than before. But as for how to interact, different people have different emphasis , some more values cooperation, some attaches more importance to the competition. Admittedly, there is no doubt that competitive skills is the survival and basic ability for modern jobs. However, I disagree with neglecting the functions of cooperation, which is another valuable skills to prepare for the future life career. In this era of global village ,we should learn to use both of them in the different situations.
      First of all, it is an undeniable fact that competitive skill is really a beneficial and essential factor, no matter in the field of individuals or the whole industry .For personal perspective ,learning to be competitive is an effective approach to provoke individuals' strong inner desires by comparing with others. Hence competitive skills keep individuals enhancing their abilities and challenging themselves constantly. With regard to studying, learning to be competitive provides an opportunity to stimulate the potential of getting higher grades among students. Consequently, competitive students are studying much harder in order to surpass other classmates, even to surpass themselves. With regard to whole industry, we can get the opportunity to stimulate the vitality of individual elevate efficiency of departments, and ultimately promote the development of the whole industry through the healthy competition. we can take two famous beverage companies as competitors, coca cola and Pepsi. Owing to the fiercecompetition, the two companies, coca cola and Pepsi constantly create new flavor products and improve high quality service to cultivate the loyalty of their brands. Without this fierce competition, they will be content with the status quo and no longer move forward.
       Despite the merits of competitive skills mentioned above, over- competition may sometimes bring counterproductive effect .As you imagine, some negative emotions such as jealousy, boredom, even hatred will come out under the high intensive competition; hence it will hamper the enthusiasm of individuals, or rather stunt the development of their future career, and finally exert a vicious circle. Take the price of product as a example. When a market is over- competition without regulations , sellers will set the price as high as they want ,which is beyond the afford of customers and then customers become the innocent victim of the unfair and disordered competition. So it is crucial for a company to keep mind that the harm of over-competition.
         Having recognized the unfavorable side of competition, the cooperative spirit plays an increasingly active part in the recent society to keep up with trend of the globalization. As we all know, in many cases, especially in the management of an enterprise. the creative idea gathering from a team is always better than from one brilliant mind. By working in a team, people have a chance to make full use of the advantages of their teammates, and at the same time they can devote their own strength to the teamwork. Moreover, a team work will release their burden because each one is responsible only for a small part of a big project; therefore, people get enough time and energy to make it best. The structure of enterprises can illustrate the necessity and significance of cooperation. In a big company, the research department takes responsibility for developing the new product; the sales department does selling and earning profits; and the public relation department takes charge for building and spreading their company brand .this phenomenon of diverse departments shows only by the cooperation of each department that can a big company operating well and maximizing the benefits .
     What’s more ,a success teamwork promote the development of enterprise as well as the individuals in the team. On one hand ,learning cooperative skills is suitable for every aspects of life, not only in their career ;therefore enhance the manner of dealing with others in daily life.On the other hand, individuals can gain their sense of belonging and identity and help them to design their career planning well. In a word, the cooperative skills are also an indispensable ability in life and future career of individual to meet the demand of high-pace society.
      Finally, the speaker seems to fail to take into account the fact that cooperation and competition are not totally incompatible. It is imperative for us to compete with others modestly and based on the principle of cooperation. We should lay different emphasis depending on the different situations. When we are lack of experience, cooperation may rank the first in order to learn other's strength points. Otherwise, when we have enough experience, we compete against others measurably to express our own advantages that will turn into a higher pursuit.
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