GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:MadBB
Contemporary technology makes available many small pieces of factual information. As a result, people have become so preoccupied with bits of fragmented information that they pay too little attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives.
1. 对比一下现在的生活和过去的生活,由于哪些技术的出现使得我们获取信息的途径发生了变化,以至于我们可以获得更加具体的信息?请举例说明。
回答: 互联网的发明,随即产生的twitter, Facebook等,以及方便试用这些获取信息的手机,平板电脑等。 以前获取信息是滞后的,官方的,现在可以获得多方面的,详细的,即时的报道。薄~~
2. 除了现代的技术以外,还有什么因素会影响到信息获取的粒度和精度?请举例说明。
回答: 政府的政策。媒体的觉悟。个人的意愿。
3. 哪些因素会决定你关注信息的粒度?对于任何信息来说,是不是人们如果有可能了解更细致的信息,人们就会去了解?请举例说明。
回答: 是否感兴趣。是否有帮助。不是什么都要细致了解。比如明星八卦。
4. 什么样的人会更愿意关注小的信息?什么样的人更愿意关注宏观信息?他们对信息粒度的选择与技术状况是否有关系?请举例说明。
回答: 普通人,小市民。大人物。知识分子。没关系。
5. 宏观信息和微观信息的区别是什么?人们应该通过哪些手段和特征辨别宏观信息和微观信息?请举例说明。
回答: 宏观信息显示趋势。围观信息显示细节。
6. 大量的信息碎片会给人对信息的判断和处理带来什么问题?缺乏细节,只有宏观信息又会带来什么问题?请举例说明。
回答: 判断不清什么是有用的信息,什么是没用的。看不清趋势。缺乏细节,可能会判断错误。
    Contemporary technology,especially Internet, including some inventions depending on it, such as smartphone and tablet, makes available many small pieces of factual information. In the past, only by official media can we have access to information. This information comes from only one angle. No other way is available to us to find more details. In a contrast, it is so easy to get information that are from Facebook, twitter and different kinds of news media. There comes a problem: Will people become so preoccupied with bits of fragmented information that they pay too little attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives? It all depends.    Contemporary technology, which provides many ways for us, makes us available to find more small pieces of information. It doesn't mean that we have to read these details. For example, there are countless information on my twitter everyday, but I don't want to read each one.  As for me, I will read those information that I'm interested in or are useful to me. If there are two stars' gossips, one is about David Beckham and another is concerning Justin Bieber,  I will read the details of the former, who I love so much, and be regardless of the latter.    Usually, personal reading habits will not changed a lot by contemporary technology. No matter in the past or now, most people just choose information that bring benefit for them. As to politicos, economist and other people who care about future, they may pay more attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives. For example, in this year, a famous politico in China, whose name is Bo Xilai, was dismissed from his position,Party Secretary of Chongqing. His wife and son are suspected to kill an English and he wanted to conceal it. Further more, he was eager to usurp the throne of China. For many other politicos, what they cares most is if Bo Xilai commit crimes and his influence on the society and social development. However, when it comes to me, I only care about why his family killed people and his son's luxurious life in UK and USA. Actually, this information  about Bo Xilai doesn't affect my daily life but is extremely significant to those politicos' prospects.     What's more, paying little attention to fragmented information or to larger issues are both one-sided. Only getting small pieces of information makes people vague the main trend of a matter while only cares about large issues and overall perspectives may mislead people and can't judge a matter basing on details. For instance, when it comes to the new iPad, if we only know it is the third generation of iPad introduced by Apple, we have no idea if we want to  buy it, except those loyal fans. Only after we know the details of the new iPad, such as using up to date Imaging processing Technology, and compare it to iPad2, can we decide whether to purchase it. Apparently, fragmented and macroscopical  information is of equal importance.    Admittedly, such numerous small pieces of information may lead to losing in the ocean for some people. But if we know what are necessary to us, it is unable to prevent us paying attention to larger issues and overall perspectives.    Whatever, in a sum, contemporary technology just provides more pathways for people having access to information. Whether they read or not, and which kinds of information they want to kind depends on their own choices. Furthermore, it couldn't be better if there is a technology that can help us filter trashy information.
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