TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你已经或者曾经是大学生么?简单描述一件在大学生活中给你印象最深刻的事情,并说说它给你带来了什么影响。
回答: 骑自行车去旅游:不论在生活或是学习及工作中,我们所需要的就是坚持。具有坚韧不拔性格的人容易取得成功,不管是他做什么。
2. 综合你的大学生活,你认为你在大学得到了什么?(知识,经验,爱情……)
回答: 大学教给了我很多东西:1.做任何事情都要有始有终,即我们需要坚持,这就要求培养我们坚韧不拔的性格。 2.经验:经验来自于实践,比如说为人处事的经验,在这方面,我们要对我们所交往的人要以诚相待 3.学习的习惯:在未上大学以前,我们所学的知识只是单纯的记忆,并没有任何的理解和应用,而在上大学以后,我发现,每当我学习一个新的内容,我都会找到它的原理,分析它以前是怎么应用的,进而彻底的学会怎么应用它。 4.知识:在大学里,我们可以学习到更高等的知识,而这样的知识是在工作或其他的地方无法学习到的,这些知识可以为我们以后的发展提供一个坚实的基础。 5.爱情:在上大学以前,我们不懂什么是爱情,只是觉得一个好的外表可以吸引异性,但是当我们在大学里,我相信很多人都会有一次美好的爱情,喜欢一个人不能仅仅看其外表,更应该看他具有的品格,比如说是否具有爱心,是否有个坚韧不拔的毅力,是否可以与同学和睦相处,有没有独立,负责任的品质。
3. 你有没有上过大学的朋友?你认为如果他们上大学的话,能得到什么改变?
回答: 我曾经有一个非常好的朋友,由于家里没有钱,所以就没有能够上大学,但是他有很好的创新精神,在高中时就有2个很厉害的发明,如果他继续上大学的,我相信,他可以有一个个更好的发展,如他可以在大学里继续培养他的创新的精神,他可以用他所学的知识去解决很多困难的问题。
4. 你认为中国的大学教育还存在什么问题?你有什么好的解决方案吗?
回答: 1.中国的大学普遍缺少一种大胆创新的精神:学生们现在只知道做题目,当他们有好的想法的时候,他们不敢去实践他,我们应该鼓励他们去大胆的实践,而不能只是模仿。 2.我们要真对不同的学生给与不同的教育方式,有些学生具有沟通的能力,我们就要让他们多和别人沟通,给他们创造更多的机会,而有些学生具有大胆的创新的精髓,我们就是要给他们试试的舞台
As the society develops rapidly, the pressure which comes from work or lives is becoming more and more evidently if someone wants to achieve success in theiir own field. At this time, going to college for studying has exerted more influence on people's mind, and this is where the controversy arises. Some believe that  study at college is a good option for those that want to succed, meanwhile, others who disagree with it cite that we can make a great attainment without the education in college.From my perspective, I think that the former one is more reasonable.First, the reason I want to put forward is that going to college can make us educated and enable us to learn a lot of higher knowledge which can not be obtained from work or lives in our daily lives.Thus, we will enjoy a lot of chance to get  success. As it did in the case of my two friends from the high school, one of them lose the privilege of studying at college,while the other sized  this opportunity.Ten years later, the victim led an ordinary lives in his hometown and his earnings did not respond to his endeavors and time, but the other had a good reputation in his field and  his work had been paid off remarkablly.In other words, he got a success than the victim.Second, one of the advantages of having a chance of educating in college is that we may find our lover and we two can have a happy marrage. Take me as an example, when I was at in the college, once at an New Year's party, I knew my now wife.Since then, we study toghter and solve the problem, and gradully, we had a deep understanding about each other, In order to live with her, I worked harder than before and eventually, we got a well-paid job which is at the same city.After two years graduated from college, we married and now I am the father of two children and lead a very happy lives.And finally,someone who did not go to college also obtained considerable success.For example, my friend Dong, who was a smart child at that time, When he received the admission of college, he made a fatal decision that he gave up this chance. He took the job of saling and now he is a manager of a big company.So he is as successful as the one who go to college.In sum, we can safely come to the conclusion that going to college is a good option for people to make success at any time.  
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