TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people's lives. O automobiles O bicycles O airplanes Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你和周围朋友一般都使用这三种的哪个交通工具?
回答: 汽车使用的最多,但是偶尔也使用自行车和飞机
2. 它与其他交通工具相比有什么特点?
回答: 汽车方便,但是所承载的人的数量不多,而且容易造成环境污染,造成城市交通堵塞。
3. 自从有了这种交通工具,人们的生活有了什么变化?
回答: 人们的生活和工作提高了效率,而且也给人们的生活带来了很大的便利。但是在某种程度上造成了交通的堵塞,也相应的降低了工作的效率。
4. 如果没有这种工具的出现,那会有什么后果?
回答: 不知道
When it comes to discussing the benefits or disadvatages brought by bicycles, autmobiles and airplanes, I am inclined to believe that the airplanes revolutionally changed the lives of people. On one hand, since the advent of airplanes, people could work and live more conveniently than ever before. On the other hand, some advantages like travelling faster without exhusting the passion of people, bringing less pollution than autmobiles and so on.One contribution of the inventing of the airplanes is that aircrafts creat remarkable convenience to the daily routines. In the past period, for example, my grandfather wanted to go to university from his hometown, it would take more than one week to cover only a few hundrend miles. But now, the planes could take people to the expected place which locates less than one thound miles within one hour covering. This is the great benefits generated by the aeroplanes. Another case is that if some important person attend an imperative conference within two hours, of course, the best choice of going to the place one thound away is by air. So, I hold the belief that the airplanes have changed the lives of people.Certainly, apart from the striking convenience of the aircrafts,  people could enjoy much confort created by planes. Twenty years ago, the planes is not accessible to ordinary people, most of person have no choice but to take autmobiles, when they arrived their destination, the passion and enthusiasm has been sweept away by the long hour journey. They have to spend more time to relax than travell. But now, planes is widely accepted by the common, they can go to their desired destination without wasting their energy and have an enjoyful weekends.However, the ariplanes have some minor drawbacks, such as we could not take plane to work within one city.  At this time, we only take autmobiles to go to work. compared with bicycles, the planes contaminate our environment and  pose more or less threat to the atmosphere. For example, extensive pollution was poured into the air when the planes take off.In sum, from all the reasons explanated above, we can safely come to the conclusion that the airplane has changed the lives of people. Without it, our lives could be intensively impeded and much of convience can not be obtained.
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