TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:为为
Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people's lives. O automobiles O bicycles O airplanes Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你和周围朋友一般都使用这三种的哪个交通工具?
回答: my friends and I always use bicyles to goto libariry from our dometry, we also use bicyle to farther places ,such as the shopping mall
2. 它与其他交通工具相比有什么特点?
回答: cheap, after paying the money of the bicycle, we pay nothing when we use them convinient, even the traffic jam happan,the bicycles can take us to everywhere we want no time limits low carbron deoxide
3. 自从有了这种交通工具,人们的生活有了什么变化?
回答: save time more convinent when we have heavy things to move ,we can put them on the bicycle it can be a sport
4. 如果没有这种工具的出现,那会有什么后果?
回答: we wont have automobiles or airplane. we lost a kind of sport our childhood lost a toy.
Nowadays, people have lots of transportation vehicles to choose, such as bicycles, automobiles, airplanes and so on. I think the bicycles change people's lives most.
My friends and I use bicycles everyday. From Monday to Friday, we use them go to library from domitry. On weekends, we use bicycle to go shopping, or ride them at night to excercise. Not only students like us use bicycles, people who have a job also use bicycles to go to work everyday.
Bicycles have many advantages. Firstly, bicycles is the cheapest transportation vehicles among we have mentioned. After paying the bicycles money, we nearly pay nothing to ride a bicycle. Secondly, bicycles can use at any time when we want, they are mot afraid of the traffic jam or the bad weather. We also can ride bicycle to the place where automobile cannot arive, such as the beach and home. We also save the time to book or buy a ticket. Thirdly,  we can consider the bicycle as a kind of sport, Olympic games also have games for bicycles. When I was a child, the bicycle is a fantastic toy I have played with. the most important advantage is bicycles are low carborn dioxide, when we use bicycles instead of use other kind of transportation, our environment can be better.
If  bicycles were never appeared, there will not have any other transportations, cause automobiles come from the bicycles, maybe people is go to work on foot untill now.
Although other transportation vehicles also have their own advantages, the airplane is the fastest transportation, the automobiles can take more than two person at the same time. But when we mentioned which tranportation change people's lives most, I choose bicycles.
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