GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Wei Xu
Contemporary society offers so many ways of learning that reading books is no longer very important.
1. 请列举三个在当代社会可以利用的学习途径,并简述其内容。
回答: 电视报纸广播
2. 通过读书人们可以获得哪些知识或信息?请举例并简述。
回答: 思考 基础知识
3. 读书的功能中哪些可以同样被其他学习方式满足?可以被什么学习方式取代?请举例并简述。
回答: 信息化。网络
4. 读书是否具有其不能被其他学习途径取代的特有功能?如果有,请举例。
5. 读书相对于其他学习途径有哪些优势和不足?请举例并简述。
6. 读书在学习过程中的重要性是否会因为学习途径的增多而降低?请分析并给出解释。
Thanks to the
contemporary technology people now have
many different ways to learning, in my point of view, reading books is equally important
with other ways.


As the development
of science and technology, we now have many different ways to learn. For
example, we can learn things from the blog. Many famous leaders in different
fields have their blogs. One of them is Dr. Kaifu Lee. Dr. Lee is a former vice
present in Microsoft and Google, Now he runs his own company in Beijing. So he often puts a lot
of information on his blog, including the world’s newest technology, his own experience,
learning advice to Chinese students. Sometimes, he recommends good books that
he has read. You can not find any of these in a book. Now public courses from
Yale and other Ivy League School are very popular in China. You can watch the
professors teaching lessons through the Internet. These courses include math,
history, art and financial. And you can watch courses at different times and
places as long as you have a computer. When you are hearing professor states
their opinions, this is something that reading books cannot compare.

But learning from the
book is also very important. Although the society offers different ways to
learn, learning from books still has its advantage. Firstly, most classic
theories are still containing in a book and it is more precise. If you want to
know the theories of concrete, you can find a book that can explain this
systemic. Secondly, when you read a book you can think more carefully and dependently.
For example, when you read the novel price and prejudge, you can use your own
imagination and analyze the characters on your own. Lastly, learning from the
books is basic before learning from other ways. If you don’t even know how to
use the computer, then how can you even use the computer to learn?


We are lucky to
leave in a time that now we have different ways to learn, so what we do now is
to use all these ways well. These two have no conflicts and their equally
important for us. For example, if you want to learn the stability of high
buildings, you can first learn the theory from the books than expand your view
by other ways that is offered by modern society. 
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