GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:prawn
Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题讨论在国外学习对于大学生的意义,认为至少要在外学习一个学期。这个话题是大部分考生们生活中会接触到的内容,而且“study in a foreign country”也是绝大多数参加GRE考试的考生的目的,所以可以类比一下,在做头脑风暴的同时,尽量扩展思路,深入思考分析。可以从“需求和解决方式”、“国外学习的正负面效应以及长短期效果”、“对学生、对学校、对家庭、对社会”等多方去展开。
1. 请列举三至五点你认为应该被重视的大学教学目的?根据这些目的,大学应该给学生哪些引导?这些引导和学生出国学习之间的关系是怎样的?
回答: 1.提高学生的交流的能力。 大学应该鼓励学生参加社团等活动,多和外界接触,出国学习可以使学生与更多的人交流,同时了解不同的文化。 2.提高学生的科研能力。 大学应该鼓励学生自己做课题,创新。出国学习可以了解到学科发展的前沿并通过交流完善自己的想法。 3.大学应重视培养学生独立思考的能力。在教学中,不应一味的教授知识,应引导学生不断的思考与教会学生自主学习。出国学习可以了解不同的文化,学会从多角度看待问题。 4.大学应帮助学生更清楚的认识自己。出国学习可以使学生更加认识到自己的不足与优点,可以开拓眼界。
2. 请列举三至五点你认为大学生需要掌握的能力?这些能力需要通过哪些行为来锻炼?这些锻炼和出国学习之间的关系是怎样的?
回答: 1.交流的能力,需要通过参加活动并与不同的人交流来锻炼。出国学习可以接触到不同文化背景的人,可以加强这种锻炼。 2.思考的能力。需要通过对身边发生的事不断的思考来锻炼。出国学习可以让学生接触到不同的文化,更能清楚的认识自己的优缺点,也能多角度的看待问题。 3.科研的能力。应通过参加学术讨论以及做课题来锻炼。出国学习可以让学生了解学术发展的前沿,并且有更先进的设备以供科研,可以提高学生的这种能力。
3. 去国外学习对于学生来说都有哪些意义,或者大学生去国外学习可能存在哪些问题?请举例并简述(可从学习的正负面效应以及长短期效果思考)。
回答: 1.可以拓宽学生的视野,思考更加的多元化。例如:出国学习可以让学生接触到不同文化背景的人,思考问题方式的不同可以让自己从多个角度看待问题。 2.接触学术科研,有更优越的科研条件。很多学科的发展前沿都在国外,出国学习可以拥有更好的科研条件。 3.但是,不同的文化背景可能让一些学生不适应。很多学生到了国外,无法适应该国的文化及生活方式,进而感到孤单而没有心情学习。 4.国外没有约束的生活会让自制力差的学生堕落。很多学生到了国外,摆脱了家长的控制,无法控制自己,沉溺于玩乐而荒废学习。
4. 大学生去国外学习的时间长短应该如何选择?“一个学期”是否合适?请结合具体情况分析并简述。
回答: 1.对于想要搞学术研究的同学,一个学期太短, 学生到了国外需要时间适应,很可能刚进入状态,一个学期时间就到了,这种情况就需要更长的时间。 2.对于只想感受国外文化,拓宽视野的人,一个学期的时间就够了,一个学期的生活足够他们感受各方面的事物。
5. 除了出国学习之外,还有哪些其他方式可以更有效地满足以上这些目的?如果有,请举例。
回答: 1.在国内多参加活动同样可以提高学生的交流的能力。 2.查看国外的文献也可以了解科技发展的最新动态。
  Admittedly, in the globalized society, it is worthy for students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country,which can be propitious to widen students' eye-sight and learn about different culture. However,requiring all the students to study abroad is impractical. After all,not all the students is available and interested in studying abroad. So in my opinion,we should let students choose by themselves and encourage students who have an will to do this.  First of all, we must admit that studying in a foreign society is beneficial for students.Living in a place for a long time, our ideas can be confined inevitably. Studying abroad can lead us a new life and let us know about a different culture, which can not only broaden out horizons, but also teach us to see the world in a different way. We can also improve our communicating skills and ability to adapt new surroundings. All of the above can be the evidence to support the idea that studying abroad makes good for students.  What's more,for students who want to prompt their ability of academic research, studying abroad is a good choice.Own to the constrains of experimental conditions, studying in a advanced country can provide us better experimental equipment and be more available to the newest scientific achievements, which can promote scientific development.However,requiring all the students to study abroad can sometimes bring counter-impact on students, for not all the students are suitable to studying abroad. In the first hand, for most Chinese family, they can not afford to study abroad.     Moreover, studying in a foreign country needs students to learn a foreign language, which is also a drawback for students. What's more, even if students are available for studying abroad, it is also a big trouble for students to adapt to a wholly different educational system and culture. Some students become diffident and are addict to amusement because they cannot accommodate local culture.So it is not wisdom to require all students to study in a foreign country.  In sum, I encourage students to study in a foreign country, if they are will and available to study abroad. That is ,we should respect their own choices,and not require all the students to study abroad.

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