GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Tom_69
Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.]
本题讨论在国外学习对于大学生的意义,认为至少要在外学习一个学期。这个话题是大部分考生们生活中会接触到的内容,而且“study in a foreign country”也是绝大多数参加GRE考试的考生的目的,所以可以类比一下,在做头脑风暴的同时,尽量扩展思路,深入思考分析。可以从“需求和解决方式”、“国外学习的正负面效应以及长短期效果”、“对学生、对学校、对家庭、对社会”等多方去展开。
1. 请列举三至五点你认为应该被重视的大学教学目的?根据这些目的,大学应该给学生哪些引导?这些引导和学生出国学习之间的关系是怎样的?
回答: 1.培养自学能力; 2.培养逻辑分析能力; 3.扩展学生的知识涉猎面 1--提供自学方法,环境; 2--提供相应的课程,推荐相关书目,布置作业,以实际案例为考核方式;关系:对于想要出国读研的学生,三种能力及相关指导可以为他们日后的学习生活培养良好的习惯。
2. 请列举三至五点你认为大学生需要掌握的能力?这些能力需要通过哪些行为来锻炼?这些锻炼和出国学习之间的关系是怎样的?
回答: 1.逻辑分析能力;2.自学能力;3.对不同的知识领域保持新鲜感的能力;4.团队配合能力;5.社会实践经验 1--利用一定量的大块时间进行针对性的培训,比如:上课,看书,实际分析。平常养成分析习惯。 2.在一定逻辑能力的前提下,自己选定一些专业或者非专业的课题进行学习,在不懂的情况下利用网络搜索引擎或者是咨询同学师长。 3.平常通过大量阅读,保持对各种事物的新鲜度,并运用逻辑分析能力理出层次,还可以参加托福雅思涉猎面较广的考试。 4.参加集体活动,可能的话尝试不同位置,运用逻辑分析能力找出团队之间的关系。平常广泛交友,社会就是最大的团队。 5.参加校内外组织的实践活动,积累社会经验,增强生活融入感。关系:前四个能力对于日后的留学学术生活可以打下一个良好的基础,而最后一个可以使学生在处理学术学习以外的问题的时候有所准备。
3. 去国外学习对于学生来说都有哪些意义,或者大学生去国外学习可能存在哪些问题?请举例并简述(可从学习的正负面效应以及长短期效果思考)。
回答: 意义这个词是因人而异的,但问题倒是相对来说客观一些。可能有的问题:1.语言不适应 2.无法融入当地生活圈 3.失去方向 4.学习压力大 5.孤独感 1:拿中国学生为例,我们的汉语属于汉藏语系,而大多数学生去的英语国家使用的英语属于印欧语系,在先天条件上,我们不是很有优势;由于很多同学笃信“到国外语言水平自然就提高了”这种想法,在国内没有打下良好的语法和单词基础,导致前期的国外生活出出碰壁,尤其是上课的时候,会出现严重的听不懂现象。 2.加入一个圈子有两个条件:共同点以及相处时间。对于文化背景截然不同的民族来说,找一些基本的共通点有时是很难的,而且再加上相处时间几乎为零,这个磨合融入过程会变得更长。这个问题会影响当地社会融入感,而随之而来的会有诸如办事不方便和像是孤独感的一些精神压力。 3.很多人在出国前没有对出国进行较为理性的认识,导致出国之后发现不知道自己来干嘛或者将来该怎么走,一旦产生,这种精神压力是相当可怕的。 4.中国很多学生在大学期间没有养成良好的学习习惯,导致出国之后严重不适应国外的高压学习生活。 5.生活大环境不熟悉,没有稳定的交流圈子,加上之前在国内不自立和一些个人问题,很多人会在这个问题感到尤为苦恼。
4. 大学生去国外学习的时间长短应该如何选择?“一个学期”是否合适?请结合具体情况分析并简述。
回答: 一个学期不是对于所有学生都是合适的。比如:有些同学的适应能力不强,可能光适应时间就占了一大半,剩下来的时间根本不够新的教育模式的学习以及对学校生活的体验,这样就没有起到交流所应该达到的目的。不同的专业性质可能需要不同的学习时间,比如语言类的可能一个学期还凑合,但是有些科学类的专业,比如计算机,机械,要想真正学到东西并对国外的教育有一个较为清醒的认识level-headed cognizance,这些时间对于加入科研当中并有所收获是不够的。
5. 除了出国学习之外,还有哪些其他方式可以更有效地满足以上这些目的?如果有,请举例。
回答: 以上说的就是国内的情况,如果把以上的目的建立在国外的环境下实施那简直是爽HIGH了~
   With the rapid pace of globalization, living, traveling, or learning in a foreign country is never a hard thing. Under such circumstance, some people come up with the issue, which college students should be required to spend at least one semester studying in a foreign country. From my point of view, it is good to see a growing number of college students educated in a foreign country.   In this morden, technology validly developing age, a college student is required to be all-round developing. What our society most needs is the character of competence, collaboration, self-education. It may be asked how a college students get these abilities? The statement provides a good way that college students should be required to study in a foreign country for a period. Some people may argue that students can also in their own country be cultivated  to get these characters, expirences and learn knowledge through their own country school activities and classes.Thus, it's a waste of money and time to go aboard to get education. However, the ascendancy of learning in a foreign country is much more than our consideration. When many excellent students from different countries get together and sit in the same classroom, what they learn is much more than knowledge in the book,but collaboration,competence and so on.  Each students' performance can encourage other students. For example, when students divided in some groups to complete an experiment, it is possible that some students from different country get in the same group and it is a optimal way to collaborate with a student from foreign country, speaking a foreign language, with different culture.  Moreover, studying in a foreign country is more than going to school, reading in library. It is a good chance to enjoy a foreign country life. Foe instance, Tim, a senior student in China, go aboard to get education. In the vacation, Instead of going back home country, he travel with his foreign friends to many places which is merely shown in the pictures before. He enjoy the local foods and culture, immersing himself in it and being respectful for others. Not only does he learn knowledge in a foreign country, but is impressed by the foreign views, culture and people. Moreover, we can see an increasing number of universities provide exchange students with other foreign countries, it can be claimed that people are focusing on college students studying aboard.  Last but not least, high income people in a company is always good at more than two languages. Communication is getting important, it requires people can talk with different country people fluently. There is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a culture that speaks the language you are learning. With foreign people around, mother language can not be understanded, pushing you to speak foreign language. In addition, making foreign friends also make people exciteted. By contacting with them, the culture, habits, sense of worth they reflect are attracted.   In conclusion, due to analysis and reasons mentioned above, one semester studying in a foreign country for college students is good to get knowledge and perfect themselves. Thus, it is necessary to give them chance to do so.  
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