GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:nididpi
To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.
本题讨论有效的领导与伦理道德标准之间的关系,提出了一个必要性命题(必须要具有最高伦理道德标准才会是有效地领导)。题目有两个易混信息点:effective和highest ethical and moral standards,两个正面的词用来形容同一个人,就像是现在的父母总是对孩子说:“你长大之后要出人头地,现在就要好好学习”。但是否一定要好好学习才能出人头地?由此即可展开对本题的思路,相对来说反对题目的写法是大家经常采用的。此题难点在于对“effective”和“highest ethical and moral standards”的解释以及衔接上,在分析的时候需要注意。
1. 如何评价领导是否有效?在一位领导会涉及的各个方面,有效是以什么样的形式表现出来的?是否存在一个衡量的标准?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 经济:发展快,罗斯福,文化:戈尔巴乔夫,
2. 领导的有效性由哪些因素共同决定?这些因素中哪些是最关键的?
3. 在一个人成为领导的过程以及之后的工作中,有哪些必经之路?这些必经之路上会存在哪些考验?克服这些考验需要什么样的实力和品质?
4. 极高的道德标准会给一个领导带来哪些好处?又会带来哪些坏处?
5. 一个不具备极高道德标准的人能否成为有效的领导?如果有,请举例并简单分析其成功与道德的关系。
To answer the question weather to be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards. We must first recognize a crucial term: what is "effective". Dose it mean do many things during a time? If we are unable to answer it, we can't make any conclusion. 
In my opinion, effectiveness doesn't mean that you can just do many things during a certain time, but means that you do something rendering the people many benefits both  physic and mentally. If you just do many things, maybe just a few people can get the benefits, say authoritrian. 
Based on my assumption, now I can respond to this question: Weather to be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards depends on what is the moral standard.
There is no doubt that all along the history, leaders always establish the moral standard by themselves for getting most benefits from it's country's people. For example, whatever page you open from a history book of China, there is a noun called "Jun zi". The noun stands for the ones who are among the best man in then society, and the standard of it is how devoted you work for  your family and for the emperor. And the emperor is the one who own every piece of treasure of the whole country. He can kill a man without any reason just by his interest. He can waste countless food everyday while countless people are starving. No way should a man be regarded as effectiveness at all just by weather he conform to the standard of "Jun zi".
Based on my argument above, we know that if the moral standard is not so rational, you can never say a leader is effective by weather he conform to the highest ethical and moral standards.
In another condition, if the moral standard is rational, that is to say the moral standard is drafted for the sake of rendering the people most benefits both physic and mentally, he or she should be effective(of course, he or she must own a high ability to complete things), since in that situation leaders will spare on effort to devote themselves for every people, without paying too much attention to their own benefits. For instance, Gandhi, one of the greatest man along the history. he liberated  the India with non-violence. no one had done  such greatness ever. He think how to improve the living standard of India, how to make India independent, how to defuse the enmity of two group of adherent. He is a vegetarianism, an asceticism, finished a lot of labor everyday, and he was always quiet in heart.  
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