GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:遗世帝尚双
Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE202"Unlike great thinkers and great artists, the most effective political leaders must often yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise"和ISSUE190"The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little"的综合。在分析的过程中,可以从领导人各种行为对于坚持原则和目标的需要、不同场合情况下坚持原则和目标与被公众意见影响的利弊、成为有影响力的领导与坚持原则和目标之间的关系、如何平衡坚定原则和受公众影响两方面,以及过度倾向其中一方面之后会造成的直接或间接影响等方面展开思考。
1. 请结合具体的某位有影响力的领导人分析:在其成为领导的过程中,对特定原则和目标的坚定不移起到了什么作用?
回答: “新政”实施过程中利益受损的阶层予以抵制和诽谤,甚至作为新政初期重要内容的《工业复兴法》(National Industrial Recovery Act )及另外两项法案也在时隔两年后被最高法院裁定为违宪。但是,罗斯福把保持国民经济的正常运行和保证公民就业作为政府的责任,留下了大量防止再次发生大萧条的措施和政策,为美国投入二次大战及战后的快速崛起奠定了坚实的基础,罗斯福也因此成为自亚伯拉罕·林肯以来最受美国和世界公众欢迎的总统而永载史册。
2. 请结合历史事实分析:是否有不屈从于大众意见的杰出领袖?他们这样做的原因是什么?
回答: 1861年3月林肯(Abraham Lincoln)当选总统之前,便提出要限制奴隶制的进一步扩张。当时的美国奴隶制根深蒂固(entrenched),甚至在林肯当选总统之后,南方支持奴隶制的美国民众为了保证自己的利益不遭受毁坏发动了内战。林肯坚持自己“维护宪法,拯救联邦”的原则,没有向奴隶制妥协,最终赢得了南北战争的胜利,也赢得了美国大多数民众的支持。他坚持原则不动摇,为美国的废奴运动做出了不可磨灭的贡献。
3. 在哪些情况下,“坚持原则和目标”要比“被公众意见影响”对领导人更有意义?为什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 国有企业改革(reformation of state-owned enterprises)
4. 在哪些情况下,因为公众意见而让自己的原则和目标妥协让步反而会更重要?为什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 4
5. 请结合其自身特点分析并列举:政治家有哪些职责,为了满足这些职责,政治家的行为会有哪些特殊性。
回答: 5
The most decisive quality of a effective political leader is to keep a insightful perspective and hold the primary principles consistently.Looking through the history,there are many outstanding political leaders that remain consistently committed to their principles and objectives under censures from every corner.Ultimately,they were proven wise by later generations,for instance,President Roosevelt,who led the brilliant reformation after the Great Depression then announced the US' participation into the World WarⅡ,and Martin Luther King Jr.,leader of series civil rights movements for elevating the social status of the American-Africans.None of these figures yielded when confronted with disagreement or hostility,instead they stood their positions all the way forward,yet they were still excellent political leaders who improved living conditions for their people effectively.The most decisive quality of a effective political leader is to keep a insightful perspective and hold the primary principles consistently.   Stands of the public varies regarding to the group they joint,from egocentricity to egalitarianism,from Cynicism to elitism.Thus demands of these social blocks are diverse as some asking for higher public welfare while some others sticking to tightening the budget.And individuals' opinions always generate from things that they are asking for,said Yonghong Mao,a successful sociologist in China whose position-determining theory is widely accepted.What highly primary one political leader must concentrate on is to stabilize the nation and enrich the people,both spiritually and materially,to steer the government making the decisions as smart as possible to benefit from and to the globalization,cited from Paul Samuelson's Macro Economy,16th Edition.Once in the past the Americans,of course rejected the deal,ridiculed Seward,Secretary of State,on purchasing Alaska,which was jokingly named as 'The Icebox'.But only a few years later the icy land surprised the whole country with its rich resources and significant strategic location.Nobody will treat this immense mine as inutility or consider the Secretary as silly any longer.   Factors to settle a determination for the federal government,as depicted in John Maynard Keynes' theories,come in a variety of pressures,ranging from domestic economic development to international currency policies,to chain-reactions of fundamental industries to fluctuation of the social Gini coefficient.Public opinion is one among these factors but is never the unique one. During the 1990s' reformation of state-owned enterprises in China,sluggish market performance confronted with the opinion held by the public that had the entrenched industrial structure been broken,no good could emerge.Nevertheless,Premier Rongji Zhu sticked to the reforming amendments(albeit suffered great pain of high unemployment rate in several years),which were soon proven effective and efficient.The average residents might not be as insightful and sensitive as experienced political leaders to think over the whole circumstance,and they may aware of the benefit years behind the curve.     If Kantism describe appropriately of the real world,that the truth will rarely be entirely known,the demands of public might not be exactly expressed nor intactly conveyed,which makes 'listening' debatable.Ways for speaking out generally include traditional media like telephone hot-lines and newspapers,and new ones such as micro-blogs,social network sites,even the agitating actions,illustrated with demonstration and rebellion,are sometimes agitprop of some small groups then followed by stodgers.A case in point is the survey conducted after a students' strike in Hefei City,China,aimed to find out the main require of those demonstrators.The result was somehow unexpected that among the mass answerers who were picked up randomly,80% didn't know even the purpose of the action,they just took the short 'vacation' produced by the strike,no mentioning about their deep-hearted demands nor the final expression in the demonstration.   What if one political leader yield to public opinion and abandon the principles for the sake of compromise just to be effective during his years in power?See the damaging contaminants in the Yangtze River left by factories because of provincial economic policies permit and barren land in the western Inner Mongolia of China attributed to tree cutting-selling-burning activities derived from farmland expansion plans.Years of chase for vanity projects and oblivion of environmental protection now charge the people for repayment-lacking of edible water along the riverside,billions of budget spent,however unwillingly,on plant trees and grass back to the desertificated areas.These phenomena are overwhelmingly attributed to the short-sighted effects aroused by acquisition for approval,according to surveys to study the reasons why politicians tended to be so short-term greedy in the past 5 decades,which designed by the most authoritative public policy program in the Mainland of China.   Truly that regardless of public voices is too arbitrary and segmentary for a leader to make decisions for his people.Qing Dynasty might not be overturned because of falling behind other countries over the world,if the ruling hierarchy had considered the desire of industrialization while it was simultaneously forming on the European continent.   However,when discussing about the most essential quality,remaining consistently committed to national-benefit principle and long-term developing objectives is much more important.A political leader who has this quality is able to distinguish what is good for his people from the harmful,therefore lead the government effectively and efficiently from the very foundation.             
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