GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:遗世帝尚双
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE183"As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious"。题目讨论知识对事物影响的问题,题目给出了一个负作用——越来越多的知识使事情更复杂神秘了。在分析的过程中,可以从知识增长的目的和具体情况、事物变化的具体形式、易于理解和复杂神秘之间的关系、导致这一情况的各种因素、不同领域不同问题的分情况考虑等方面展开思考。你可以通过直接和间接影响、静态和动态区别、个例和整体情况来扩展思路。
1. 请举例并对比:在现在和以前,某一领域中对于某项任务的情况有哪些不同。
回答: 饮食:从充饥果腹到有剩余食物交换、贸易,发展到现在有食品营养研究、食品卫生安全、大宗食品及其衍生品交易等等,饮食已经不仅仅是进食以供人类生存这么简单了,更是一种科学、一种经济、甚至是一种文化。
2. 获得知识对于理解事物存在哪些帮助?请举例并分析。
回答: 事物的发展是很缓慢的,人生很短,不获取知识也许一辈子也不能理解哪怕很简单的事物。比如1+1=2,比如空旷的高地在雷雨天容易引导雷电的常识,比如研究一个政党兴衰原因的办法等等,都是人类经过漫长的经验积累得出的知识。获得知识可以快速、准确的掌握理解事物的方式方法,可以让人们更加全面、深刻地理解事物。比如学习了数学知识就可以知道并使用1+1=2.
3. 因为知识的积累,事物变得更加复杂神秘的原因有哪些?(例如:早年生物学只要对动植物进行观察,而随着发展,生物学研究已经深入到DNA、RNA)请举例并简述。
回答: 随着积累,知识的存量越来越多,对同一事物的解释也越来越多元、深入,即使事物本身没有改变,对同一事物的解释也越来越多元、深入,所以就会看上去似乎是更加复杂神秘了。比如对于地球、对于宇宙的了解使人们逐渐了解到山外有山、天外有天。而且随着知识的积累,很多事物也随之发展,就会越来越复杂。比如早期医学院不分学科,后来分为神经科、妇科、耳鼻喉科等等几十个分支,医学院的学习内容越来越复杂,医学所要研究的领域也越来越神秘,甚至可以起死回生、器官再造、体外孕婴等等。
4. 事物变简单和变得复杂神秘是否仅存在简单的对立关系?请分析并简述。
回答: 事物变得简单易懂还是变得复杂神秘并不是mutually exclusive的,同样是一只杨桃,有人看到的是侧面,有人看到的是五角星形状。看问题的角度不同,感知也会不同。 对于事物的认知,永远不会有穷尽的时候,对于事物的复杂的研究探索有可能正是让事物简单易掌握的原因。比如鼠标的发明和使用:鼠标的发明是计算机技术发展到相当复杂的程度才实现的,但鼠标被广泛使用之后,对普通人计算机的操作反而简单了很多,不需要再背诵复杂的键盘指令。
5. 事物变得复杂神秘是否就能说明知识的增加没有好处?对事物理解的进步是否要以复杂程度为标准?
回答: 事物变得复杂神秘并不是说知识的增加没有好处:以前仅仅因为一场感冒就可能死去很多人,随着医学知识的增加,人们的健康状况和平均寿命都得到了改善。对事物理解的进步也并不是完全以复杂程度为标准的,只要有效、对人类有用,就值得探索和学习。
The significance of eating has changed as knowledge about food accumulated. While in primeval times eating meant only to fulfill human's stomach and regain energy with edible things, it refers to  branches of scientific study ( nutriology, food safety testing, etc. ), a sort of economy ( hog futures for example), and even represents a kind of culture now. Things seem to be more complex and profound as people learning more about them, but they never become more mysterious. That due to our gradually developing , thorough comprehension into the cases can human civilization living on.     Learning what existing is far more efficient and effective than find it out by oneself. It is almost impossible for an individual to witness the whole processes of something as much of substance in nature growing more sluggish than human bodies, the rising and wilting of a political party as a case in point. Acquiring knowledge is necessary for handling measures and methods in order to study things comprehensively and penetratingly, and to solve problems. For instance, an average school child comparing discounts between two candy stores can calculate more accurately and faster, use and control fire better to heat a bottle of water, than a prehistorical adult.
    Apprehension on a case is much more detailed and complicated as stock of knowledge thickening, although the case may remain unchanged, which makes the case seemingly more mystical. Galaxy means massive substances in the universe according to oceans of astronomical evidences, but this common sense was considered as mad and ridiculous among medieval scholars whose ideology was circumscribed by their plain thoughts on stars and planets. Moreover, things are developing along with the evolution of human society. Colleges of medicine and hospital provides a case in this view, that in the very beginning, there was no such branches as neuroscience, gynaecology and otorhinolaryngology. However, the areas medicine covers are broadening rapidly, technologies as complex and difficult as CPR, organism replantation and baby Test-Tubed are ordinarily practicable.
    Further more, comprehensible and complexity are not mutually exclusive. The position one take determines the view from his eyes. One carambola may show a oval outline, yet its shape also appear like a star from a certain aspect. The complexity of studying things might just contribute to the simplification of knowing them. Mouses, which facilitate the controlling of personal computers for the public, emerged only when the technologies of computers were well-developed enough, nonetheless, its emergence simplifies the manipulation in that people do not need to recite lots of complicated orders using the keyboard.
    It becomes more difficult to know in all fields as the exploding of knowledge and information. People tend to know more, but they simultaneously find out that individuals are too feeble when confronting with the flood of knowledges, according to which some may argue that things are becoming more mysterious and complex as we recognizing more figures of them.    Yet it is too hasty to conclude that there is no good to deepen our knowledge and to acquire more information: catching just a cold might triggering a decimal killing in the Middle Ages, however, with the developing of medicine science, both human health and human longevity are enhanced. Whether a set of knowledge is useful or not is not depicted by its complication, but by its practical utility and developing potential.
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