GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:刘天阮
As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE183"As we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and more mysterious"。题目讨论知识对事物影响的问题,题目给出了一个负作用——越来越多的知识使事情更复杂神秘了。在分析的过程中,可以从知识增长的目的和具体情况、事物变化的具体形式、易于理解和复杂神秘之间的关系、导致这一情况的各种因素、不同领域不同问题的分情况考虑等方面展开思考。你可以通过直接和间接影响、静态和动态区别、个例和整体情况来扩展思路。
1. 请举例并对比:在现在和以前,某一领域中对于某项任务的情况有哪些不同。
回答: 在之前人们对宇宙中的黑洞受有关天文学物理学知识的限制,人们对它的了解很少,但随着在这些领域获取的知识越来越多,人们开始加深对它的认识和了解,但在这个的同时,又引出一系列新的更加复杂的神秘的新问题有待解决。人们碰到很多难以解决的问题,很难用现有的知识来解决,需要更深入的研究这些问题,才有可能解决它们,解决这些问题所需要的知识可能更庞大和复杂。
2. 获得知识对于理解事物存在哪些帮助?请举例并分析。
回答: 帮助理解事物背后的本质,有利于人们简化问题,找出问题的解决方法。通过事物的本质来演绎出很多不同的形式和内容,让人更好理解事物,解决问题。比如,古时候人们不知道地壳运动等地理学,以为一些诸如地震、海啸、洪水等地质灾害是因为得罪了鬼神,而受到上天的惩罚。而现在科学的发展人们渐渐明白这本质是自然灾害,开始认清它,并有应急措施来应对这些自然灾害,减少损失,挽回生命
3. 因为知识的积累,事物变得更加复杂神秘的原因有哪些?(例如:早年生物学只要对动植物进行观察,而随着发展,生物学研究已经深入到DNA、RNA)请举例并简述。
回答: 随着研究和探索的深入,人们碰到的新的问题会更加复杂更高深,能解决这些问题的办法越来越少或者还没找到,难以立刻解决,需要长期的探究,问题就会变得神秘。早年人们只是发明了火药,但随着知识的积累,人们开始利用和改造火药,增强它的威力,发明制造大量的军事武器,来增强军事国防力量。早年人们只懂得发明使用计算器,同样知识的积累和科技的进步,人们进而将计算器升级进化为从大型计算机到微型型计算机,再到现在的平板电脑ipad等
4. 事物变简单和变得复杂神秘是否仅存在简单的对立关系?请分析并简述。
回答: 不是,是从小到大的关系,就、从简单的知识渐渐辐射到复杂的知识,是知识体系变得饱满健全成熟,是一个向前发展的过程。是相互支持的关系。
5. 事物变得复杂神秘是否就能说明知识的增加没有好处?对事物理解的进步是否要以复杂程度为标准?
回答: 不能说明,事物变复杂的同时也学到了其他之前没有涉及的知识,这也是增加知识的一种途径,说明它对增加知识是有好处的。不能仅仅以复杂程度作为标准,还要考虑对事物研究是否是向前发展的还是倒退的。
Depending on personal experience, we find that some hold the idea that as we acquire more knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more complex and mysterious. Meanwhile the others will do not agree with them. From my point of view, acquiring more knowledge can help us understand the thing eaily, but it may also bring other kinds of complex and mystious questions. On the one hand, gaining more knowlege is available for people to understand the nature of  the things, helping us forming correct congnition. When people know the nature of the one thing from getting more knowledge, they may simply the complexity and find the useful method to sovle it. And they will not image the unreasonable factors to these questions or phenomenon. There is a good example of this, long time ago, the people did not know the geology or something theory of it, and they were not clear about some natural distasters like earthquake, flood, syunami and so on. They believe they caused by the ghost or god, who were resent to the behaviors of the people, so brought these disaster to purnish them. Later, when the geology developed, people began to know the reason about those,. So then they did not realize the early congnition, beginning to protect them from these disasters. The history filled with this kinds of cases, tells us that acquire more knowledge promote the comprehense the things.On the other hand, when we know more knowledge of the things in some fields, the new intricate and mysterious problems comes out. And the approch to solve these problems are few or not found, which may demand more time to explore and study involving much deeper and extended knowledge. The history of computer appearence is a prime example of it. In the early time, people ony invented caculator. With more knowledge and advanced techniques, the computer came out after a long time study which generated variety hard problem to solve. There are also so geat deal of instances during our past to prove that the more knowledge having been known , the more intricate problem will come.
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